Page 15 of Don't Hate Me

Or at least that’s what I told myself as I took a seat near the middle. I didn’t quite understand how she did it, but with each moan from her mouth, I became even further and further entranced.

She wasn’t just up there dancing for people. She was exposing herself in ways I never even dared to. Having them watch as she came over and over again. Having them watch her as she made a complete and utter mess of herself.

Yet she still somehow lies on the ground begging for more.

“Oh fuck!” tumbled out of her mouth as she arched into the feeling. She was begging under her breath for something… but what was it? The more I watched her, the more I longed to know.

But not just what she was begging for… I wanted to know everything that file had kept from me. Wanted to know why she would dothis.Why she took the job she did. Why she felt so comfortable exposing herself like this.

I felt an emotion expanding in my chest… it tasted a bit like awe.

Then, when I saw those green eyes pop open and look at the crowd, I froze.

They were just as expressive as I thought. Maybe even more so.

They told me everything I needed to know. How she was about to come again. How she loved the way people looked at her as she was forced to come over and over again. She was meeting everyone’s eyes, making sure they got a good look at what she was feeling.

“Please, please, I can’t come any more.”

The girl off to the side laughed and walked over to her, heels clacking on the floor. She leaned down and ran her fingers through her folds. While I couldn’t see her up the speed from here, it became apparent when her cries stopped abruptly.

“You’re done when I say you are.”

Her entire body stiffened, and the loudest, shakiest moan spilled from her lips, along with a gush of fluid spilling from her and dripping down to the ground below. Her eyes searched the crowd until they landed on me.

Her flushed face and pained moans sent a burst of heat up my spine.

I gritted my teeth and let my blunt fingernails dig into my thighs.

Tiffany Yates… no Blake, had caused me to feel something I hadn’t in years.

Pure, burning desire coursed through me.

I wanted to watch her more. I wanted to see her spread those legs, baring that pretty pussy to me while she came all over me. I didn’t want to hear her beg to stop, I wanted to hear her beg formore. I wanted my name to fall from her lips as I—

I stood as quietly as I could and snuck out of the room.

No,no.Maybe I couldn’t do this job after all. I don’t like to think of myself as a coward, but it would be another few weeks before I came back for fear that the next time I saw her on stage, that I might be unable to control myself.


As it turned out, my boss wasn’t lying. The same night he let it spill, I waited until the clock struck seven thirty, then climbed into my beat-up carriage, hoping that my night wouldn’t end up like Cinderella’s. I tied my laces extra tight just to be safe, and over two months later, I hadn’t been caught.

Paranoia kicked in, at first causing me to search for the blacked-out vehicles from my employer, but just like he promised, there were none. Though if they were, I would have lost them just like last time.

I had perfected my drive there, making sure to go the long way around the club and through a few residential neighborhoods to be safe. I even made sure to park my car over two blocks away on the off chance they still found me.

I guess I’d do crazy things to get off.I mean, Club Pétale has been a godsend for me.

I liked performing. I liked the people. Well… most of them.

Most importantly, it was a safe space that allowed me to explore the sexuality that I thought at one point didn’t exist. My whole life, sex and love had just been viewed as something used to keep your husband happy. I remember vividly listening to my mom and her friends when they were over. How they viewed their “duties” to their husbands.

Back then, I never thought of how deep a scar it left on me. Or how it molded my expectations of the act and changed them into something undesirable.

Until the club.

The club was the place that taught me just how good sex felt. And how erotic it was in front of others. That I was allowed to do things for myself. To make myself feel as dirty and unhinged as I wanted without feeling guilt afterward.