Page 12 of Don't Hate Me

He let out a sigh, his eyes trailing to the window. I followed his gaze. It wasn’t often I made the trip to DC, but every time I found myself falling more and more in love with the city.

The cherry blossoms, the environment, and people.

I wondered if one day I too could be in an office like this. To lean back in my chair and look at the cherry blossoms falling in the wind outside instead of constantly being on edge with one hand on the trigger.

But it was a fool’s dream, and more than once I had to bring myself back to the reality of the situation I was in. There would never be a time when I would be anything more than an invisible foot soldier. It was safer that way.

“You’re good at your job,” he said after a moment. “I thought it would be good for your career.”

I swallowed thickly, waiting for him to finish. When he didn’t, I said, “But you know I can’t have one. Not with my past. Being here is more than I could have ever asked for. And to Senator Bennett of all people?”

Senator Bennett was known to love the spotlight. In just the few weeks I had been with him, there had been five manufactured situations that caused reporters to flock to his door. More than once, I had to sneak in the back.

“He won’t win,” he said, and he looked at me with a small smile. The wrinkles near his eyes deepened and caused me to relax enough to give him a smile back. “It’s temporary. Do this well, and you have a bright future ahead of you. You’ll be out of sight for anything televised and with his family most of the time. I didn’t put you here without thinking of the risk, trust me. I wouldn’t harm you like that.”

I nodded. There was nothing else I could say. If he said he thought it all through, then I had to believe him…right?

He had never once put me in harm’s way before,so why would it start now?

But after a lifetime surrounded by liars and letdowns, I couldn’t help the feeling that this was all a setup. That the only reason they wanted me in the spotlight was not because of how good I was at my job but because they had grown tired of me and wanted to get rid of me once and for all.

I gritted my teeth and pushed those thoughts into the recesses of my mind.Take a step back and realize that for once, someone is just looking out for you.

I took a deep breath and held it for a moment.

“Thank you,” I said, releasing the breath I had been holding. “You know, just after so many years, I can’t help but feel anxious about it all.”

He nodded, though if I was being honest, even after the breath, the anxiety still had a chokehold on me.

“Unfortunately, it’s also what makes you good at your job,” he reminded me. He sat up straight, his eyes shooting toward the door behind me and then back to my face. “Just be more secretive when you go out, okay? Shift changes are usually around seven thirty and one forty-five—don’ttell anyone I told you that.”

I took a step back and sent him a smile. Even with all of the awful feelings that put me on edge, this was a small kindness I couldn’t look over. The club and the people there meant more to me than anything.

It was my place. My home. Somewhere that I could finally bemewithout having to worry about any of my past following me.

“Thank you again, sir,” I said, this time with a sincerity I hope he felt.

He huffed but didn’t say anything else as he waved me off.

I took a moment to dismiss myself before leaving and shutting the door softly behind me. Only then did I let out a relieved sigh.


My eyes caught a man who was sitting on the chair I once occupied, and quickly I schooled my expression. Heat traveled up my ears and face, causing the embarrassment that was flooding me to only intensify under the man’s gaze.

Well, at least I had the club to look forward to tonight. Whether Bailey liked it or not, I was going to perform.


Over twenty years in my role with more kills than I could count, and the thing that would do me in was the stifling suit I was forced to wear to the damned sex club.

Not from any of the hundreds of missions I’ve been on. Or a poetic ending at the hands of someone out for revenge.


A fucking suit that made me look like an idiot. Whatever Rolf had in mind for this job, it all hung on whether or not the target would even look twice at me, and I had serious doubts thatthe fucking suitwould get the job done.

Stop being so salty about the job and just get it done,my inner voice hissed at me.