Page 81 of Don't Hate Me

A shot rang out. Russell fell to his knees, blood blooming from his pants leg.

“Goddamn it,” Russell said with a laugh. The strain in his laugh was the only thing giving away that he had been shot. How many times had he come home covered in blood? How many times had I helped him clean up his wounds? This was nothing to him. “Not only is mywifecheating on me, but tohave them shoot me as well? The lawyers are going to have a field day.”

If Quinn was surprised about the news that I was married, she didn’t show it.

“I’m not your wife anymore,” I reminded, my fingernails biting into Quinn.

“I didn’t sign no goddamn divorce papers,bitch.”

I had to physically hold Quinn back from taking another shot at him.

But what Russell didn’t say is that he wasn’t here for me alone. Quinn had seen it last night. Not only did I leave him passed out on the floor as I cracked for the first and last time, I also took something from him. Something he would kill to keep a secret.

His sharp eyes narrowing at me told me that he was here for exactly that. If Quinn hadn’t been here, he wouldn’t have hesitated to kill me.

Panic seized my throat, and my breathing became erratic. The world swam around me, and my grip on Quinn shook.

Fuck, not now.

“You broke into the house of a government agent,” she said, her tone deadly. “People are no doubt swarming the place now.”

You know it too,a voice inside my head reminded me.Get your fucking shit together, or the next time Russell comes to get you, Quinn won’t be able to protect you.

I quickly grabbed the gun from her, wiping the fingerprints off with the back of her shirt. They were going to come and take everything, especially if Russell was involved. His ties to dangerous gangs would make this difficult.

Quinn stayed intently on me, glaring daggers at Russell, and I pulled my shirt on. My phone vibrated loudly off to the side. Quinn grabbed it without looking away from the man bleeding out on my carpet.

When she handed it to me, her hand lingered. It caused a soothing shift in my tightening chest.

“Hello?” I asked shakily.

“My men heard the gunshot. Agents are on standby. Are you okay?” My boss’s voice came through the phone, startling me. I knew his department and Agent Jonson had come together for a deal, but I never expected him to actually care for me like his voice told me he did.

It caused my eyes to tear.

“My… girlfriend is acting as my shield,” I explained. “We are ready for them.”

I heard something on the other line, and not a moment later, the door was broken down. Three agents tackled Russell to the ground before two more lingered by the door.

Quinn froze against me.

“It’s okay,” I whispered to her. “They will escort him out.”

She leaned back, her eyes shifting to mine. The seriousness in them caused my body to go on high alert.

“These aren’t the ones watching the place. Something is off.”

Her words were like a bucket of ice water being thrown at me. My eyes shifted to the agents in the room. They looked legit, even had their badges on them. So what was she going on about?

“Blake?” my boss asked from the other line.

“I’m here,” I said after clearing my throat. It was tightening by the second. If I didn’t get out of here soon, all these people would see me fall apart.

“Good. I will meet you at your house in a few hours. Debrief with the agents. But in the meantime, you will need to leave the place while we do a thorough investigation.”

“Leave the place?” I asked, my fingers digging into Quinn’s back. “But I don’t have anywhere to—”

“You’ll stay with me,” Quinn cut in. “Tell him I have property we can stay at.”