Page 68 of Don't Hate Me

“It’s been difficult to gain her trust,” I said. “But I am working on it. As soon as she spills the information she has, I will gladly put a knife in her chest.”

My stomach clenched at the thought of Blake’s blood all over my hands. I had fantasized about others’ blood on her, but when it came to her own? I didn’t like thinking about it one bit.

Seconds ticked by with no response.

“What have you learned so far?” he asked.

“Only the basics,” I replied. “She’s been hiding from something. She’s been scared. She has to take anxiety medicine to curb panic attacks. Though from what, I am not sure. She has yet to divulge that information. My guess is that it has something to do with Alec—”

“Is this a fucking joke?” he asked. “I told you I needed to know what she knew as soon as possible, andthisis what you give me?”

Rolf crossed his arms over his chest.Fuck. I was fucking this up badly.

“She’s had eyes on her the entire time. We need to move with caution, or else there’s no chance at me getting the information you need. If this were any other person, I would torture them until they spilled, but you and I both know whoever is following her would catch me. Maybe even before I was able to get the information you desire.”

The man didn’t speak, and I didn’t expect a man like him to enjoy getting talked back to by me.

“But if your motives have changed, let me know, and I’ll just kill her instead,” I said. “Though if you’d like to stay the course, you could always tell me why you are so interested in this agent, and maybe it would help me navigate her.”

Rolf gave me a warning look and stepped forward as if he was about to teach me with his fists not to speak back.

“The information she has is about the inner workings of Alec Crowe and his close associates,” he said. “Some of whom are connected to me in ways I would rather have them not be. Knowing what she does would help with… damage control and who knows what. If she leaks any names, maybe you’ll get more business from me.”

Relief caused my shoulders to sink.He’s not Alec Crowe at least… but someone who can’t be associated with his gang.That should have been the best-case scenario, but something sank to the pit of my stomach at the knowledge. My gut instincts had never been wrong before, and this time they were telling me that whoever was on the other side of the phone may be even more dangerous than the gang leader.

“Anything else, sir?” Rolf asked.

“Two months,” the voice said. “Finish this in two months, or I will have Rolf decommission you.” There was a sound on the other line that I couldn’t quite make out. It sounded like a soft voice and maybe the sound of footsteps, but I couldn’t be sure, he hung up too quickly.

My shocked gaze shot to Rolf, but his eyes were on his phone. The hot pain of the betrayal burned my insides.

“Rolf, what did h—” I moved to get up but was forced back by his hand connecting with my face.

Normally, I would have been able to see it coming. To at least block it before it made contact. But the shock of what the client said combined with the action caught me completely off guard.

Rolf was no stranger to physical punishment… but I had thought we got through that conversation pretty well.Why would he—

“I’m starting to regret ever taking you in,” he spat at me. “If I had just an inkling of how much trouble you would have been, I would have had your parents cut your price in half.”

The whiplash from his violent change in emotions caused my head to swim. His words were like salt to an already gaping wound. A wound that had been open and festering since I learned the truth about how I came into his possession.

I was young when it happened, maybe six or seven, and since then, my memories have grown blurry. I didn’t remember my parents’ faces, or what they sounded like, or the horrible stories of my life that Rolf told me.

I only remembered the seaside where I grew up. I remembered the black sand beaches and rocky shores. I remember the chill it left in my tiny body.

Then my memories pick up when I first started training. It wasn’t long after I was taken in that they started my training, but it would be a good few years before they even considered sending me on a job. One that I fucked up so badly that I just recently began to pay back the blackmail that was hanging over my head.

I understood Rolf to an extent. This job was his life, just like it had been mine. Any chance of fucking it up would mean the end of our lives, literally.

But I thought he cared more than that. Or at least my inner child foolishly hoped he did.

“I would argue to say that you got far more money out of me than they ever did,” I said and rubbed my stinging cheek. “I don’t need to tally up the jobs to know I’ve been the best investment you’ve ever made.”

“If you don’t finish this up real quick, I will lose all of it.Wewill lose all of it. So you better get your ass back to her before you ruin this for the both of us,” he threatened.

I gritted my teeth.

I wanted to say so much more to him. I wanted to yell at him. Throw shit. Hit him like he hit me.