Page 60 of Don't Hate Me

He didn’t have time to finish his sentence before I swiftly shot him straight between the eyeballs. There was a silence as his body fell to the ground, but then chaos rang out. I barley registered the blood splattering across the exposed part of my face.

Men inside started yelling. The shuffling of their feet and click of their guns caused spikes of adrenaline to run through me.

Instead of running into the open warehouse, I jerked to the side, letting another man run out into the night. My uniform helped me blend into the shadows, so he too was unaware that he was about to die until I grabbed him and used him as a shield to enter the warehouse.

Gunshots rang throughout, many of them embedding in the chest cavity of the poor man I was holding.

“Gather reinforcements—”

I used the automatic at the man’s side to shoot one of the supposed leaders off to the side, mostly because his yelling was grating on my nerves.

There were only two more people in the main room, both of them running toward me. With ease, I shot both of them multiple times in the head before they fell to the ground with a thud. Only then did I push the dead man I had used as a shield away from me with a noise of disgust.

The silence that filled the air was a bad sign because none of the men I had just killed were my target, meaning the man in question may be using this as a means of escape.

I took an automatic from another dead body before heading down the hallway that connected this building to another. In my mind, I brought up the image of the blueprint, following the red dotted line to where I knew the man would be stationed.

Not his office, though. There were probably men waiting for me there.

As soon as the gunshots rang out, the coward would run to his safe room.

It was hard not to hear the thundering of the footsteps coming down the hallway as they followed me.

I could have stopped and killed them all in minutes, but I wanted this over as soon as possible.

Especially when my fingers itched to reply to my little agent.

Imagining Blake on her couch, staring at her phone, and waiting for me to respond caused me to move even faster, and before I knew it, I was flying down the stairs and kicking the door to the boss’s safe room open.

“Get her!” the boss yelled as I came into view. The room was small but decked out like his personal man cave. A leather couch was placed straight in the middle, with him cowering behind it while his two bodyguards struggled to ready their guns. Both of them had been sitting on a set of recliners, not at all expecting me to be here so soon.

The smell of beer, sweat, and smoke caused my nose to twitch.

I dodged to the right, narrowly missing one of their shots, but when I did, the other seemed to finally get his shit together and fire his own gun.

White-hot pain shot up my leg as the bullet grazed me. Normally I took pleasure in the fight, but this time it only made me angry.

Not only did I have things to do after this, but I had been so ready to end it all that I had somehow gotten myself injured.

Rookie fucking mistake.

I lunged for him, getting close enough to wrap my hand around his neck and hold him close to me before switching to my handgun and firing multiple rounds into his chest.

I swung us around as the other fired at me, but he was too slow. With a single shot, he was down.

Then I turned to the man, and only then did a single ounce of excitement run up my spine.

I caught sight of him trying to scurry up the walls and to the small window that lined the ceiling. It was pitiful to watch him try to jump up high enough to get his hands on the sill before dropping to the floor.

I stalked toward him, pulling out my knife.

Make his death painful, the note had said.

Easy said, easy done.

I grabbed the small tuft of hair the man had left, forcing his head to tilt back. I should have had something to say. Maybe taunt him a little, make fun of how disgusting he was… but instead I just sunk the knife right in between his ribs. I could feel the blade puncture his left lung with ease.

He would drown in his own blood as he gasped for air. All I had to do was wait.