Page 53 of Don't Hate Me

The thought caused me to jerk away from her. She met me with a hooded gaze and a sleepy smile. Those eyes that called to me so much were shining brightly under the lighting overhead, but like all other clients, I didn’t have the urge to keep them. Even the thought of art caused a pit to form in my stomach.

She’s a job. You’re here for information.

But as she pulled me into another kiss, this one sweeter, I found myself unable to focus on the task at hand.

* * *

It was two a.m. by the time I found myself sneaking out of her bed.

At this point, the people watching her would be back, but that didn’t matter much. They saw me come in, and I would now be on their radar.

My eyes glanced around her room. It was simple. A bed and two end tables. The closet was to my right, behind a closed door and the bathroom next to it.

Not many places to hide things.

I glanced back at Blake’s sleeping form. She was bundled up in her deep purple bedspread, her hair stuck out messily from the top. Her deep breaths were barely audible over the sounds of the night right outside her window.

I peered out of it, trying not to be too obvious about my intentions. Just on the right, there was something small and shiny on a rooftop two buildings away. Because she was on the sixth floor and the building across was eight, it was hard to see the people watching, but the small shine of what I assumed was their weapon gave it away.

Instead of dropping to my knees and searching the drawer like I wanted to, I made a note to get some curtains for her.

I ducked into the bathroom, shutting the door softly. Light purples and blues decorated the space, but just like her room, she had the bare essentials.

Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, face soap, an organic bottle of—ah.

I grabbed the bottle, my eyes widening when I realized that Tiffany Yates had a prescription for Xanax.

That wasn’t in the file.

Tilting it, I made note that she hadn’t taken many.

So if she didn’t use them, why were they here anyway?

Spurred by the discovery, I placed it back where I found it and dug through the medicine cabinet.

I frowned when only floss and an extra toothbrush greeted me.

“What, you don’t like pink?” I jumped, grabbing the first thing I saw and using it to face the intruder.

Act first, ask questions later. To the neck or eye, whichever is most—

I stopped in my tracks when Blake’s smiling face met mine. The pounding of my heart forces blood to my ears, muting the world around me. It took more than a few seconds to remember what my mission was.

How the fuck did she get up without me hearing her? Or even open the door?

Alarm bells went off in my head. Years of the training I went through told me one thing and one thing only:she’s dangerous.

“Sorry,” I said quickly, clearing my throat. I looked down, realizing that I had grabbed the pink toothbrush as my weapon, and gave it a bitter smile. “I don’t mind pink, you just caught me off guard.”

When I looked back up at her, her smile didn’t waver. She lightly grabbed the toothbrush out of my hand and placed it back on the counter before pulling me back into the room with her.

“I thought you were trying to leave,” she said, shooting me a smile.

“I was considering it,” I admitted. She let out a hum, her eyes searching my face.

Blake had this whole flustered persona about her, but more than once I was surprised by how easily she could read me.I needed to move with caution.

“I know,” she said. “But I would prefer you stay. I liked our time together, and I want to do it again.”