Page 45 of Don't Hate Me

Blake this Blake that. What was Blake doing right now? Would she like it is I unbuttoned my suit? If I sat closer to her performance?

Everything was about her. More than it should have been.

Normally I was able to turn my brain off for rest times, not matter the meeting, but whenever I closed my eyes I saw her pleasure contorted face as she looked at me while riding that person’s face. How her eyes widened when I slipped my fingers into her collar.

I was a fucking mess.

I sighed as I looked around the corner as Blake ducked into the arcade for the second time this week.

For a girl who led such a crazy double life, I would have expected her to go out more. But between this and the club, there was nothing else going on in Tiffany Yates’s life.

She would go to work. Go home. Go to the club. And sometimes play the run-down zombie game until the place closed. Then rinse and repeat. She never brought anyone home, nor did she go over to anyone’s house.

Until now.

I had to intervene. There was no other option. If I just sat around and acted as bait any longer, this whole operation may take years.

I set it up perfectly. At night between the fantasies of touching Blake in ways I shouldn’t be allowed to, I planned. I needed to enter her life. And if the plan worked how I imagined it would, soon, I would be waltzing right into Blake’s apartment whenever I pleased. There was nothing or no one that was going to stop me.

Nausea swirled in my stomach, reminding me of what was to come. Images of her lifeless eyes looking at me while I stood over her, hands bloodied.

Why did this feel so sickening?

I gave her a few minutes, mostly centering myself, before I entered. In my mind, my excuse was that it allowed her some type of fun before I swooped in to ruin it all. But in reality, it was I couldn’t get over the mix of nervousness and excitement that was broiling in me.

I gritted my teeth as I was hit with the loud noises. As soon as the door shut behind me, it felt like the small, darkened arcade caged me in with all the chaos.

The sound of the machines rang out all around. Loud, thumping music filtered through the speakers. Patrons screamed in triumph while others wailed at their defeat. The musky smell of smoke and stale food was thick in the air, causing my nose to itch and my throat to tighten.

This wasn’t at all where I thought someone like her would spend her time. It was almost repulsive.

But I had been in far worse places than a sweaty, hormone filled enclosure.

I lingered a few machines away as I watched her, sending a glare to those who dared look my way.

Most of them were younger boys who flinched when they met my gaze. I expected some jeers from the more reckless of the group, but luckily enough for them they read my aura well enough to understand that I wasn’t to be approached.

Blake was enraptured by the game. She stood with her feet wide and two hands on the gun. Her eyes were trained on the screen while her finger pulled the trigger in quick succession. I let my eyes follow the bead of sweat that travel down her jaw line, her taunt neck, and the light bit of collar bone that showed through clothes.

She was just like that day when she took down the man and pummeled his face. Cold. Focused. And slightly excited.

It seemed silly to think she was dangerous in this situation, but I knew what those steady hands could do if they were put to use.

And fuck did it do something to me.

Nervousness clawed at me, causing my stomach to roll and my palms to sweat. If I wasn’t the least bit attracted to her, this whole thing would have been easier. I was so far out of my comfort zone that, while I knew exactly what I had to do, I was afraid that I would mess it all up due to my… inexperience.

I had to stifle my groan.

I could do this.Maybe I wasn’t a specialist in seduction, but I knew how to do my job. And at the end of the day, that’s what it was. As…personalas this may get, I would have to separate myself.

It was time to act as a professional and if that meant fucking the little secret service agent, then that is what I would do.

And it’s not like I wouldn’t enjoy myself.

I had seen Blake get off countless times, and more than once I had imagined that it wasmecausing her to fall apart.But now I had to put it to the test.

She didn’t notice me as I stalked forward or as I leaned against the side of her machine. Even when the game ended, she mechanically reached into her pocket to pull out some change, all while not even sending a glance my way.