Page 34 of Don't Hate Me

The rest of the message told me where and when we would be meeting, along with some of her more notable kinks.





The list went on and on, but it was nothing I hadn’t seen before. I had read her entire file previous to this, so it wasn’t the thing that surprised me. What surprised me was that she somehow went around the system to get us matched.

I had never opted into their matching services, nor did I want to.

Amusement tickled my senses.

Blake really wanted to fuck, didn’t she?I guess she was missing her plaything more than I thought.

But it still led her right where I needed her to be.

It was obvious, but I hadn’t realized how cunning the little secret agent could be. But it seems like there was no shortage of surprises with Blake. Her job led me to believe that she was a straitlaced control freak, but what she did in the darkness was the complete opposite of that.

It caused the demon inside me to purr. It whispered to me whenever I watched over her, begging me to push her further into the darkness and see exactly what she was capable of.

And what she was hiding.

I had been curious about targets before. Wanting to know what made them tick. Wanting to know what made them fuck up their lives so badly.

Blake was no exception.

But the more I learned about her, the more interesting she got. This whole job felt like one big test. Like Rolf and the organization behind him wanted to know just how far I would go to get something done.

And just how tempted I could be before I decided to take a forbidden taste.

After years of being their puppet, they had to know me better than I even knew myself. That’s why they gave me this job, is it not?

A way to keep me doing their bidding.

Had they sensed the tiredness that ran through me and caused my soul to ache? Or maybe they realized that the assassin they sent after politicians and secret royal babies wasn’t as sharp as she once was.

I didn’t pretend to know what was going on in their minds. I could guess, but the answers I was seeking would never come to me. They hadn’t in the twenty years I had been working for them, and I didn’t expect them to come anytime soon.

When I was younger, I pushed for more information from them.

More about my parents. More about the life I once lived. More about what my future held.

Each time Rolf would give me a stern look and add on to my training regimen, distracting me until I forgot all about the questions racing through my mind.

After a while, I stopped asking and acted like the puppet they expected me to. Only recently with Blake did I let my mind wander to the more… explicit fantasies.

Fantasies I never once allowed myself to indulge in. But instead of being able to escape into them, they haunted me day and night, demanding I give them the attention they deserved.

I was shackled by them, and even though I knew very well what I had to do, it didn’t stop me from wondering what I could get away with.

I looked back down at the phone, allowing my gaze to run over Blake’s. I could imagine it. Blake sitting in the assigned room. Blush would coat her face, but as soon as I got close, she would stand. I had seen her walk on stage a hundred or so times. She would have a hypnotizing sway in her hips. And when she got close enough, her hands would rest on my chest before she—

A flurry of gasps and shuffling pulled my attention from my phone to the window. Sure enough, the senator had arrived, though there was far less press than I expected.

The SUV was parked right in front of the restaurant, and only two men were on either side.