Page 31 of Don't Hate Me

Sometimes I get guilty about it, like when I was asking her to do something for me when I couldn’t even do anything for her in return.

But deep down, I knew it was for the best.

When I didn’t respond, Sloan let out a sigh. She looked tired, but not in an exasperated type of way. She had bags under her eyes, but her skin was glowing. She smiled easier now, and there was a weight that had been taken off her shoulder.

I’m guessing it was Lillian, her partner, who had been keeping her busy. Or at least that’s what the single dermal piercing on her ring finger told me.

I tried to shove down the envy that rose in me.

“Just catch her the next time she’s here,” she suggested. “You said she watches your performances?”

My shoulder sank as I let out a sigh of my own. To distract myself, I looked around the dark office. It was similar to her office at the main club. Her desk was a deep mahogany that shone in the dim lighting, with a pile of monitors on top. There was a leather couch off to the side and a trunk that held God knows what in front of it that doubled as a small coffee table.

My eyes lingered on the fluffy blanket left on her couch. Something she would never use.

It’s her partner’s,I realized.

I imagined them both in here, her partner lounging on the couch while Sloan’s lithe fingers typed away at the keyboard.

It wasn’t the first time I had been envious of Sloan, but it was definitely the strongest. Especially after bitterly realizing just how shitty my last situationship was.

I wanted something like what they had. I liked sex. I liked exploring my body with new partners… but there was something inside me longing for something…more.

“It’s been months though,” I said with a pout. “Shortly after I started here, she came but has never gotten closer.”

“Until tonight,” Sloan reminded me, a smile curling her lips. “And I might add that you two looked rather cozy. Maybe it’s because you finally got rid of your shadow, and now she knows there’s no one stopping you two.”

Is that what it was? Was she not coming up to me because of Bailey?

Heat traveled up the back of my neck. The memory of her closeness and the warmth of her breath across my face did crazy things to my imagination.

“Oh my god, are youblushing?”

I let out a groan and turned away from her.This is so embarrassing.

“Blake,this girl has you blushing!”

I heard her movement, but as soon as she came near, I covered my face with my hands.

“I just can’t read what she’s thinking, okay?!” I cried out, my voice muffled by my hands. “One minute she’s staring at me with this blank-ass expression, and then the next she’s touching me and flirting and I justneedto get her out of my system, okay?”

I pulled my hands away from my eyes to peek up at Sloan. She had that damn smirk on her face. I had half a mind to call Lillian in here to deal with her attitude. After being so thoroughly cock-blocked by all of them, I was starting to get frustrated.

Usually I was here a few nights a week getting off as many times as I wanted, but since everything that went down with Bailey, I had been hesitant to show up. For some, a few days wouldn’t matter, but to me, it was like hell.

I was painfully horny and feeling beat down from all angles. There had been many times over the last few months where I had a little fun time by myself in the middle of the night imagining her. It was pitiful, really.

I was uniquely positioned in this place to get exactly what I needed at all times, but there I was, fucking myself under the covers like some horny teenager.

“You better not get me in trouble for this.”

I perked up instantly. My heart pounded in my chest, and a burst of excitement ran up my spine.Really?

I peeked at her through my fingers, allowing my gaze to trail her face, but there was no sign that she was anything but serious.

“I won’t, I swear,” I breathed. Hope burst in my chest so painfully I thought I might swoon right then and there.

“I won’t get you her number…” Her words caused me to deflate. She noticed and let out a laugh. “ButI will set you two up as a match.”