“Brooke, give me this fucking guy’s name. I swear to god, he will never touch you again.”
“You’re not always there, Chase; you can’t always come swooping in to save me. Sometimes, there are times where I’m helpless, and you can’t help me.” He goes quiet before pulling me up.
“Okay Princess. Show me how he grabs you.” I look at him, confused. I have no idea what the hell he is talking about, but I show him. This guy always grabs me from behind. Always holds me by my neck, running his other over my body.
I can feel him tense up behind me. He is so angry. But then he takes a deep breath. He tells me if it happens again, I should go for his cock. Give it a hard squeeze, dig my nails in, and then he should let go.
“Trust me, Brooke. No guy will be able to keep his hands on you if you do that, and when he falls over, you kick as hard as you can, so he falls to the floor, and then you run to safety, and then you find me, Brooke. I mean it. Okay?”
The next time Harrison grabbed me, I did as I was told. I squeezed so fucking hard and kicked him over, left him on the floor in the fetal position, and told Chase I did it.
I was so proud of myself. I wasn’t the princess that day. I didn’t need a knight in shining armor to save me.
Of course, I didn’t find out until years later that I slipped up and told Chase his name when I was excitedly telling him how I defended myself. Harrison left school that year. I never saw him or his family in town again, and I knew that was because of Chase.
My eyes flick back to Chase, and I nod just ever so slightly as he starts talking again. I reach behind me quickly, grabbing David’s dick as hard as I can and squeezing it, digging my nails in as hard as I can. He lets go immediately, and I turn, kicking him as hard as I can before I go to run, but it doesn’t go to plan. He grabs my ankle as he falls down. I kick out again. “You fucking bitch!” he shouts at me angrily.
Suddenly, I feel someone grabbing me out of this guy’s grasp, and he pulls me behind him. It’s Nate. He looks at me, his eyes wide as he pushes me back, and that’s when I hear it.
A loud noise.
A bang.
It comes quick and fast, and I find myself ducking, but nothing happens.
I don’t feel anything. It missed me.
I exhale slowly, shaking. Suddenly, Jax and Asher are on David, and I hear another shot ring out. I see the gun in Asher’s hand and David suddenly on the floor.
Chase runs over to me and pulls me into his arms. “Baby, are you okay? I didn’t mean it, any of it, I promise.”
I nod, crying. “I know, I remembered. You were talking about Harrison.” He nods, hugging me tightly, and I look over to Nate to thank him. Without thinking, he pulled me away and saved me. I pull out of Chase’s arms and scream. Nate’s shirt is blood red, and I know at that moment where that bullet went.
All of a sudden, Nate drops to the floor, and I run over to him, dropping to my knees and pulling him in my arms.
“No, No, Nate, please.” He looks up at me, his eyes wide like he doesn’t know what's happening. Then I see it. The recognition on his face that he was shot.
“Please don’t leave me,” I plead, sobbing as his blood soaks my shirt like spilled juice. It’s hot and surprisingly sticky. It’s a funny thought to have as he lays dying in my arms, what his blood feels like. My tears fall on his face as I hold him in my arms, rocking him to me. The pit in my stomach grows every moment as I look at him.
This is all my fault. I should have taken the chance I had while I still could have.
“I can’t do this without you,” I choke out.
He raises his hand and caresses my cheek. His touch is cold against my warm skin in the hot night air, and that’s not how it should be. His touch is usually hot, caring, and sweet, but this is wrong. So, fucking wrong. His touch usually makes me feel safe and loved, but now it does nothing to chase my cares or fears away.
“Please, why won’t anyone help?” I scream at those around me. “Call fucking 911.”
This has to be a dream; I need to wake up.
Why won’t I wake up?
They all stand there watching. They’re not doing anything. I can hear Harper scream, and I watch her fall to her knees. I’ll never forget that scream. That will haunt me until the day I die. It’s harrowing, the one you hear and know there’s no point in trying. You can feel the pain, the loss, and I know no one will help because there’s nothing we can do.
This is it. I look over at my friend on her knees; she knows the same as me. I look at her—broken, crying as her dark angel holds her. This isn’t real. She’s not like this. She’s always so strong, the one that faces the world and screams at it, but now she’s just as damaged as me.
“Baby,” I look down at his face, that gorgeous face that always makes me feel safe and loved. “Please don’t go, don’t do this, you’re going to be okay, just hold on, please,” I plead with him as if begging will do anything against this heartless act.
He smiles softly, “I’m sorry for what I said, Brooke. I love you.”