Suddenly, Asher jogs out to us. “Girls, we cooked dinner; it’s about ready if you want to come in.” He holds his hand out to me, pulling me up, then he hugs me and whispers, “I’m really glad you guys found your way to each other, you know. Gives me hope.”
I nod, smiling, “It will happen, Asher. You just need to be honest with her.” He pulls back, nodding before offering his hand out to Harper. She doesn’t take it, instead she glares at him, jumps up and turns to me, ignoring him.
“I’ll see you inside, Brooke.”
We watch her walk into the house, and Asher sighs. “What happened between you both? She told me you had an argument but hasn’t given me details. But then she hugged you yesterday? I thought things would be okay.”
“I fucked up Brooke. It’s what I always do, I fuck up, and I fail the people I love.” He tucks his hands into his pockets and walks into the house.
I wish I could wave a magic wand to get rid of the guilt he feels for his sister. I think that’s why he goes after these guys. It’s not for justice. It’s to help ease his guilt, but what he doesn’t realize is that it won’t help, that won’t make the feeling go away, and truthfully, I don’t know what will.
* * *
The house smells incredible as I watch my man in the kitchen. Jax hands me a glass of wine, and I sit on the counter with Harper as we both admire the view in front of us. I watch her eyes keep slipping back to Asher before she frowns and looks away. I wish I could play matchmaker with them, but I think if things ever happen between them, it will happen naturally, and I can’t get involved in it.
Chase turns around to me, “How do you look so beautiful just sitting there so effortlessly?” I wrap my arms around his neck as he slips in between my legs, and I kiss him. I would die a happy girl if all I ever did was kiss this man. He leaves me breathless once again, his hands on my thighs as he whispers in my ear.
“I hope you know you’re in my bed tonight, Brookie, and tomorrow, don’t make plans because we’re going to be there all day.” He bites my earlobe, and I can’t help but moan softly in response. Blushing as I realize we’re still in public.
He chuckles, cupping my face, “I will never tire of that sound, baby girl.” Kissing my lips just once softly before wrapping his hands around my ass and pulling me off the counter, placing me on the floor. He kisses the tip of my nose, hands me my wine, and tells me to go sit down, slapping my ass as he does.
Harper sits down next to me and sighs. “‘Would you hate me if I said I was totally jealous right now?”
Suddenly, Jax is behind us, placing our dinner in front of us. “I told you, girl, just say the word.” He says, winking at her. We both laugh as he takes a seat next to us.
“Wow, you boys did good!” I look down at the steak and fries on my plate, smelling the homemade garlic butter sauce melting into the meat.
“It was Asher, really. He’s a great chef,” Chase says. Harper and I both look at Asher, a little shocked. Unable to see him as the cooking type. He shrugs subtly, looking down at his plate. I cut open my steak, and it looks perfect. Just how I love it.
“How did you know I have my steak like this?”
Chase grins. “C’mon, Brooke, I know everything about you!” I flash him a smile.
“I guessed Harper’s,” Asher says.
She takes a bite and smirks at him. “A little overcooked for me.”
“It’s medium rare,” he replies, straight-faced and not happy.
She narrows her eyes at him. “What can I say? I like things that are a little bloody!”
Jax chokes and spits wine out in front of him, laughing along with Chase.
“What?” she says. I shake my head, unable to contain my laughter, too.
If only she knew.
Dinner is incredible, and Asher surprises us yet again when he pulls out chocolate brownies with ice cream for dessert.
“I couldn’t sleep last night. I cook to help distract me.” He tells me as he brings me mine.
“Mmm, this is incredible.” I close my eyes, pulling the chocolate off the spoon, and as I open them, I find Chase’s eyes on me. His eyes have darkened, and he smirks at me devilishly.
“Keep doing that, baby girl, and you won’t have time to finish that plate.” Everyone else laughs, and I just sit there, blushing, suddenly being very careful as I eat.
Suddenly, I hear a vehicle pull up, and we all go quiet. Chase gets up, but I grab his wrist and shake my head.
“I think it’s best if I go on my own. Let me just talk to him, please.”