I feel him slip out of me, and yet I can still feel him inside. He rolls to the side of me, leaning on his elbow. His head in his hand. His other hand trails between my stomach and the space between my breasts. His soft touches are soothing. “You okay, beautiful?” I nod, unable to form words, and he chuckles, leaning in to kiss me.
“Are you sore?” he asks, and I know my face is flushing. “A little.” I smile bashfully.
“You better get used to that feeling because I will never stop loving you like this. All pretty with a blush in your cheeks. Your hair a little tossed with my teeth marks adorning your skin.” I look down and see a bite mark on my breast, and I have to say I love it. “Next time, I’m biting your ass!“ He grins cheekily at me, and I giggle in response to how ridiculous he is.
“Okay, beautiful, we need to get you into a bath. You bled a little, and that’s okay. I knew you would, but I wanna get you cleaned up. You also need to get in some hot water, or you’re going to be really sore tomorrow. Stay there. Don’t move, okay?” I nod at him, grinning like a dope as I try to get my breathing under control. He gets up, and fuck, he has the most perfect ass I’ve ever seen. He disappears into the bathroom, closing the door behind him as I hear the water running.
I sit up and walk over to the mirror. Wincing as I do, I suddenly realize exactly how sore I am. I stand there for a few seconds, looking at myself, deciding if I look any different.
Will anyone know I’m not a virgin anymore?
I look down to see a couple of bite marks, several on my neck, my thigh, my breast, and one on my hip. I trace my fingers over them softly. I see him in the mirror as he walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. “I thought I told you not to move.”
I laugh softly, placing my hands on his. “Why do you bite me? Is this…a normal thing?”
He chuckles at my naivety. “No baby, most couples don’t do this, and I’ve never done it to anyone else. I just feel a need to do this with you. Is that okay? I should have asked you first.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I love it. I’m just wondering what to say if anyone asks me?”
He chuckles, pulling me closer. “They’ll fade tomorrow. The only ones who know they were there will be us.” I pout a little at that thought and then realize it’s probably a good thing. I don’t want to have to explain them.
I wince a little as I move to face him, standing on my tiptoes and kissing him slowly. My hand drops down his body, wanting to feel him. He catches my hand, chuckling into our kiss. “God, you’re going to be insatiable, aren’t you?” I nod, biting my lower lip slightly, smirking as I already feel it. “Bath now, beautiful. Trust me, you’ll hate me tomorrow if I don’t get you in there now.”
He leads me to the bathroom, picking me up in silence as he drops me into the warm water carefully. He’s lit candles and poured bath oil, and my heart melts at how considerate he is. I feel him washing me softly, intimately, as I relax into his touch. Just loving the feeling of him taking care of me.
I feel my eyes starting to close as I yawn. “Okay, baby, I got you,” he says softly. He lifts me out, drying me off with a towel before carrying me back to bed. He pulls the covers over me and pulls my back close to his chest. He slips his knee between my thighs, and I can’t help but cozy into him. Our naked bodies intertwined.
“I love you, Chase,” I whisper into the night.
“I love you too, Brooke.” I hear back as sleep takes me, and I drift into a peaceful slumber wrapped up in the arms of the man I love.
During the night, she turned in my arms, and I woke up gazing at her stunning beauty, hardly able to believe that this is happening. I watch her for a while, just softly breathing. My girl is finally by my side. I know there’s still a lot to work out. Most of all, my brother. I know he’s going to be too angry with me, and I can manage that, but what I don’t think I can manage is if he is angry with Brooke. She doesn’t deserve it, and truthfully, all I want for this girl is to be happy.
I worry about the pact I have with Asher and Jax. I know I need to be honest, and even though I know Asher came clean to her about what happened to his sister and what he did to Michael, I don’t know if she’s fully put the pieces together and realized my involvement in it.
Then let’s throw in the fact I’m seven years older than her, and I know what people will say. I need to know if she’s okay with this before we move any further.
I hear a soft knock on the door. I slip out of the bed, careful not to wake her as I pull out my arm from underneath her. I quickly pull my boxers on and open the door. The hotel’s stylist is there with a range of clothes for both of us.
I smile at her, thanking her. “Just charge it all to the card on file.” I notice her eyes roam over my body. Nothing new to me, but it bothers me now. This woman knows I have my girl with me, and I snap at her. “That will be all,” I say assertively, pulling the rail in with me and closing the door behind me, rolling my eyes at the nerve of her.
As I roll it in, I can see my girl stirring in the bed. I walk over to her, taking a seat on the edge of the bed as I push her hair from her face. “Morning, baby.” I lean down, kissing her on the lips softly.
“Mmmm, I could get used to waking up to that,” she says lazily, stretching out on the bed. The cover falls, exposing her breasts to me, and I can’t help but let out a low growl at her figure. She laughs teasingly. “It’s nothing you didn’t see last night.” She pulls me close to her, kissing me again and pulling me on top of her as I chuckle against her lips before losing myself in the kiss. Her hands graze over my back softly as she melts into me, and I groan.
“Baby, as much as I want to stay in bed with you all day, we need to talk.” Her eyes go wide as she sits up quickly, pulling the covers up and covering herself.
“Oh…about last night? Was it…was I not good?” My heart aches as I realize what she’s thinking. I pull her back to me, kissing her soft lips as my hands wrap around the sides of her face.
“Last night was incredible, Brooke. You were incredible, and it was easily the best night of my life. It’s not about that. I promise. I want nothing more than to keep seeing that look on your face as you come undone, but we have other things to sort out first. But I promise you I have no regrets about last night. Do you?”
She shakes her head furiously in between my hands, and I let go. “Good. I got some clothes for you sent up, they’re all new. Just pick what you want, and then we can grab some breakfast. I want to talk to you about some things you should know about me, and then you can decide on the next steps between us, okay? I’ll go with what you want at your speed.” She nods, her little nose screwed up in the way I love.
“Stuff with Asher?” Maybe she has connected the dots after all, I think. I nod. “Okay.”