“You okay, Tink? You’ve gone quiet on me.”
I tip my chin up to find Nate’s eyes on me, looking concerned.
“I’m good. Just thinking.”
I give him a small smile, hoping it persuades him. He kisses my lips softly, happy with my answer, and turns back to his friends. Harper’s eyes meet mine, and I can see the look in her eyes. She’s saying I told you so. She knows exactly what I’m thinking, but I need to give it more time.
“I’m just going to get some air. It’s a bit hot in here.”
Nate looks up concerned. “You want me to come, babe?”
I shake my head, knowing it won’t change anything.
“No, I’m good. I just need a minute.”
I slide out of the booth, taking my phone with me. I weave my way through the crowded bar before stepping outside. The cool air hits my face, and I inhale deeply. Nate always made me feel free, but right now, I’m not sure. I feel a little trapped and don’t know what to do.
I look down at my phone and open the message from Chase. Two words flash on my screen.
I’m sorry
I snort in anger. This guy has apologized to me more times in the last few days than ever before, and it’s starting to mean nothing to me.
I text back, tapping on my phone furiously.
For what?
Playing with me?
Making me fall for you and then leaving me alone to cry?
Fucking Chloe the same fucking night?
Your apologies don’t mean anything to me anymore.
I click send on the last message, and within seconds, my phone rings. I stare at his name on my screen for a few seconds before sighing and answering it.
“Brooke. Listen.” I immediately cut him off.
“No, Chase, you listen. I am so sick of the games you play with me. You and Chloe fucking deserve each other. I’m moving on. I’m not waiting for you anymore. I’m with Nate now, and you’re with Chloe.”
He laughs deeply. “I’m not with Chloe.”
I roll my eyes, my blood boiling. “Of course not. You don’t commit to anyone. You’re too fucking messed up in the head. You just play with girls and use them and drop them the second you are done with them. Well, guess what? I’m not yours to play with, and I’m done.”
I hang up the phone. Screaming into the open air, startling the girls next to me. I give them an apologetic smile, embarrassed, but then my phone rings again. I stare at it, knowing nothing will change, and turn it off.
I groan loudly before returning to the bar and heading straight to Nate.
“Do you want to get out of here? Just us two?” I ask him.
He doesn’t answer, instead jumping up.
“Make sure she gets home, okay?” He nods toward Harper, and the boys nod while she rolls her eyes at him. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and leads me out into the air as I lean my head in the crook of his shoulder, knowing I need to leave Chase behind and move on.