Page 22 of Knot Guaranteed

“All right, ladies…” I give them a grin. “I’m going to need a favor.”



Itry on a couple of items that are cute but out of my price range. It’s still fun to dream, so I twirl in the mirror in the silver-and-baby-blue Christmas dress.

Shoving my hair behind my ears, I study my reflection.

This dress is beautiful and puffy in a way I adore. There’s also a texture thing. The top layer is silky smooth, but so is the inner piece that touches my skin. The crinoline layer doesn’t scratch against me, and I really love that. I stare for a few more moments before deciding I’m going to ask Fitz to take a picture so I can remember it.

I unlock the door, head down the hallway, and stop dead in my tracks. Fitz is leaning over the counter, talking to the saleswomen.

My heart drops. They’re both beautiful and smiling. It only takes a few more seconds for my impulses to want to strangle them. They shouldn’t be grinning atmy Fitzlike that. And he absolutely shouldn’t have that glittering sparkle in his eyes that comes when he’s about to cause trouble.

Or, I guess, when he’s actively flirting.

My feet tangle together as I spin around to retreat, but I trip over my own toes. The carpet burn doesn’t sting nearly as much as my wounded pride.

I thought he might see me in this dress and…

I don’t know.

Think I’m pretty?

Realize he can’t live without me?

My thoughts are so ridiculous that I don’t let myself focus on them. I right myself with the help of the wall and aim for the dressing room.

I need to change into my own clothes.

I shove through the door, but a calloused hand wraps around my wrist, spinning me back around.

“Fuck, Tinsel. This dress was made for you,” Fitz growls.

My head shakes as I stare at his band T-shirt. It was silly. I have my phone. I very well could have taken a picture of myself. “Sorry to interrupt.”

“I was waiting for you to come out and show me your outfits.” He tilts my chin up, so I’m forced to look at his gorgeous face. His nearly black stubble is longer than ever, but it’s the way the hair on the top of his head falls over his forehead that takes my breath away. He’s so hot and totally out of my league. He’s performing every night with a world-famous rock band.

I have no business thinking outlandish thoughts.

A wave of warmth pulses through my entire body, sending unexpected cramps to my lower stomach. My forearm flies to the area to push back against the weird throbbing.

“Are you okay?” Fitz murmurs, studying me carefully.

“Yeah.” My nose twitches with his rich coffee scent. Damn, he smells even more potent than normal. I have the irrational urge to lick his skin so that I can taste it.

He stares for a few long seconds and nods. “You’ve got to get this one. It’s incredible.”

“It’s a little outside of my budget if I want to get anything else today.”

“It’s not up for debate.” He grins shamelessly. “It’ll be my birthday gift.”

“No way,” I gasp, but keep my voice low. “It’s almost four hundred dollars!”

“So?” he scoffs. “I’d pay four thousand to see you in it again.”

That’s not the kind of thing a friend says… Right?