Page 85 of Knot Guaranteed

“I’m glad you’re not dead,” I tell him truthfully as I toss myself down on the other free chair.

“Me too,” Ram agrees. “Are you going to get yourself together?”

“The label gave me two choices. Quietly disappear from their sight, or they’ll fund a lovely round of rehab in one of those fancy places out West.” He shrugs. “I’m getting too old for this shit.”

I frown, because I don’t know if that clarifies his choice one way or the other.

“They’re getting everything set up,” he finally finishes.

My eyes widen as I lean back. I wasn’t expecting it, but I am relieved.

Carter used to be a decent guy and a solid friend. It’s been a whole lot of years of not being able to trust him, but I still want him to be all right in the long run.

“What about Xavier?” I know he’s been at the hospital, but he wasn’t here when we arrived. Jack had to leave the room so Ram and I could come in.

“Who knows?” Carter shrugs, but his jaw gets tight. “He left as soon as Gavin brought up our choices.”

That makes my fists clench. I get that addiction is a mental health issue, but those two grew up together. It’s sad to see how quickly things can dissolve when shit gets real.

“Do you know what happened to you?” Ram asks.

“Nah, I don’t remember shit between being in the bathroom with you and the photographer and waking up here.” He shrugs. “The doctors said it was laced with something way stronger than what I was used to taking.”

I’m not sure why I believe him, but I guess I do. “The guy Tinley got a picture of. Is he with the tour?”

Carter sighs. “If the label doesn’t cancel the New Year’s show, then I’d leave your girl home. I don’t think he’d go after her or anything, but better safe than sorry. He’s not technically employed by the tour, but he’s got connections within the label. High-up type of connections. He’s been at every stop.” His jaw clenches as his head shakes. “I’ve got nothing else to say. Thanks for stopping by, but I’m tired.”

Ramsey gives me a bewildered look as his jaw falls open. I’m equally confused, but Carter shuts down. We have no choice but to say our goodbyes and head out. Once the door closes, I look over at my brother.

“That was fucking weird.” I glance back at the door.

“Yeah,” Ram agrees. “It makes me want to take Tinley and get the fuck out of this state.”

I’m not sure I’m quite at that level, but I’ll definitely be touching base with Rook again.

* * *

Ramsey and Fitz are at another store a few down from the one Tinley and I are in. The frazzled little omega is using me as her shopping basket once again, which I find adorable. I dislike the way she frantically studies the prices.

“You know we don’t have a budget, right?” I ask close to her ear.

She jolts, nearly dropping the set of glasses she’s been studying. I steady her hand with one of mine. “You’re all extremely difficult to shop for.”

“You don’t need to buy us anything,” I assure her, but raise my arm, showing off the mass of T-shirts and other miscellaneous shit. “You’ve done amazing. Ram and Fitz are fully covered.”

“Yeah,” she whispers, spinning to face me. “But everything is so freaking expensive. All New York shops are out of my price range.”

“Can I take those from you?” a helpful associate asks. “I’ll start you a crate behind the counter.”

“Thank you.” I turn, handing off the clothing items.

“But what if I find something better and need to put some of that back?” Tinley asks.

“That’s no problem,” the older woman says.

I grab the glass set from Tinley and hand it to the sales associate.

“I wasn’t completely sold on that,” she mutters as the store employee walks off.