Page 2 of Knot Guaranteed

Colin Fitzpatrick and I met when his parents’ pack relocated to the US during my first year of high school. Shanna and I became quick friends, and Fitz was always around. We’re friends too, but our friendship is nowhere close to what I have with Shanna. “Really? Nothing? I’ve got coffee.”

Damn, I really love his accent, especially when the sounds run together.

Why do I do this to myself? He treats me like a bonus little sister. Which was nice in school, because he didn’t pick on me like a lot of the other popular kids did. I’m generally kind of embarrassing, even on the best of days, but they never left me behind.

My friendship with Shanna survived the mass exodus after high school graduation, and even a few years later, she and Fitz are still a huge part of my life.

“Come in,” I call out, trying to swat down random flyaway hairs.

Fitz saunters in with a tray of coffees and a bag under his arm. He’s wearing ripped jeans and an old-school band T-shirt withMadnesson the front. Their mom is Persian. Both siblings took after her, with their hazel eyes and dark olive skin, but Fitz’s is lined with bright tattoos that fit him to perfection, while Shanna doesn’t have a single one.

I glance away.

If I start drooling over him, there will be no hiding my ridiculous crush. When it comes to showing interest in someone, I’m not quite as brave as Shanna. Maybe I could pretend I was salivating over the delectable breakfast treats.

I’ll bet that bag has pastries.

“Here, take yours with you,” Fitz says to his sister.

Shanna grabs a hot coffee and grins. “I’ll leave you to it.”

“To what?” I push up until I’m sitting against my headboard. Fitz hands me my iced coffee and starts digging in the bag. “Thank you.” I take it, spinning and setting it on my bedside table.

“I’ve got something even better.” He hands me a double chocolate muffin wrapped in wax paper. The top has a little dome, and it’s kind of adorable.

It’s also strange for him to come to my house. I’m used to running into him at Shanna’s, but why is he in my room?

I narrow my eyes. I’m starting to think he’s buttering me up for something.

“Oh, don’t give me that look. Enjoy your muffin.” He sets the empty carrier down on the bed and gives me a playful grin. “Are you truly that heartbroken over Harold?”

I laugh, shaking my head. “Harvey, but no. Mostly, I feel bad. It was clear he was upset.”

“That’s understandable, but he had to know it was coming. Really, the man’s name is Henry. You’re totally out of his league.”

“Do you have room to talk,Colin?” I ask, unwrapping my muffin and shoving a crumbly chunk into my mouth.

“Those are fighting words.” His hands open and close while he wiggles his fingers. I’m pretty sure he’s threatening me with tickles.

“So, why are you really here?” I grab my coffee from the bedside table and take a swig, but scoot back in case he decides to risk his life and actually tickle me.

“I’ve been offered a fill-in contract. The tour leaves in a month.” He smiles, but it’s tense.

Fitz is excellent on several instruments, but his favorite is the guitar. He’s also got a killer singing voice. Basically, he’s amazingly talented.

I feel like a jerk for being bummed when he’s got such an amazing opportunity.

I know how long tours last. This means he’s going to be gone during my birthday, Thanksgiving, and probably Christmas. Our families always spend the holidays together.

“How long is this one?” I ask, picking at my muffin.

“Two months. The final show is New Year’s Day, and it’s in New York City.” He grins, stretching a hand over to pat my ankle. “But that’s what I need to talk to you about.”

“Okay.” I wonder if he’s asking me to apartment sit for him while he’s away. I guess that wouldn’t be so bad. I’m the only one of my siblings left at home, and sometimes, I feel incredibly guilty about that fact. My family is far too polite to straight up tell me they want an empty nest, but it’s lonely without my sisters.

“I’ll be filling in for Warrick from Northern Star,” Fitz says a little breathlessly.

My eyes widen. That’s a huge step up from the bands he’s filled in for the last couple of years. “Wow, congratulations. That’s amazing.”