Noah shook his head. “Don’t bring my father into this. This is about what I want.”

“And what do you want?”What about what I want?

His next words were calculated. “I want what we agreed to.”

It felt like her heart was shattering into a million pieces. Like the scattered pieces of the crib on the floor, astray from instructions and unfinished. Never to be whole.

“So then say it. Tell me you don’t want this,” she said, voice rising with frustration. “Tell me that you don’t love me, Noah.”

His face looked torn but Sophie didn’t interrupt his pause, she needed him to answer. Needed him to say the words.

He turned away from her, walking towards the door.

“I don’t love you,” he replied.



The next morning, Noah felt dreadful. He’d been up half the night tossing and turning, going over what he had said to her. He felt horrible. How could he have been so cruel towards her? He didn’t even realize why he had gotten so angry.

He also believed it was for the best. His true feelings for Sophie didn’t matter. Not that he took the time to even acknowledge them as they arose; he simply stuffed them deep down. This is was how things needed to be in order for their scheme to work.

Sophie didn’t say anything to him as she made her coffee.

“I’m sorry about last night,” he offered.

She didn’t turn around but she tilted the kettle up, stopping the stream of steaming water. It was the only clue that she had heard him.

Noah took it as a sign to continue, “I shouldn’t have been so harsh. I—”

“Don’t,” she said, cutting him off.

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t apologize,” she replied, finally turning to face him. Her expression was cool and unreadable. Seriously, Noah, you have nothing to apologize for. I was out of line.”

Wait, what?

She turned back and returned to making her coffee. “These pregnancy hormones are no joke. I was being too emotional.”

Noah had never seen her behave like this before. She was acting like it was no big deal.

For some reason, her coldness made him question his words. “Look, you were right about my father. The truth is my parents never loved each other. The only reason I was born was so my father could capitalize on portraying the perfect family.”

Sophie scoffed.

He continued, her reaction fueling his need to connect, to make her understand. “I never really had a relationship with them. It messed me up a bit more than I care to admit. And I just… well, I promised myself that I would never do that.”

The fridge closed and she brought her coffee to the opposite side of the island, resting her elbows there as she scrolled on her phone.

“I told you, it’s fine,” she said.

“Why are you acting like this?” he demanded.

She glared at him. “Acting like what?”

The look in her eyes took Noah aback. It was like she was staring right through him. Like he meant nothing.