
As they finished eating, Sophie’s excitement was replaced with a new source of anxiety. A vacation with Noah? Would they spend the trip together, or alone like him and his father? Although she was excited for the opportunity to see a new place, she didn’t like the idea of exploring it all by herself.

“So, did everything go okay with the cake order today?” Noah asked.

“Yeah, got it all sorted out.” She smiled.

Noah took their empty dishes to the sink and rinsed them.

“Thanks again for dinner,” she said. “It was really good.”

“No problem. Ready for the tour?”

Sophie’s heart raced; she didn’t know why she suddenly felt so nervous. “Yeah, let’s do it.”

Noah dried his hand on the towel hanging off the stove. “Okay, well obviously this is the kitchen and dining area.”

“Mhmm.” Sophie laughed, following him back into the living area where she’d entered. The rear wall was covered in floor-to-ceiling windows, giving them a perfect few of the setting sun. In the daytime, she bet this window let in an incredible amount of sunlight. Most of the furniture was white and leather. It reminded her of a staged home, everything tied in with the space but appearing new and unused.

“And this is the living room.” He gestured to the square glass coffee table. “Might need a little baby proofing, of course.”

Sophie placed her finger on the shade of the lamp that sat on the matching side tables. “Maybe a little.”

He guided her to a set of glass doors and out onto a large balcony. They were incredibly high up; you could see the entire downtown area of Olympus City. Sophie swiftly escorted herself back inside on account of feeling dizzy; she wasn’t a huge fan of heights.

Noah pointed out the main powder room and office before leading her to a hallway. He pointed to the left, “Down there is my room.”

Sophie didn’t know why she wanted to see but she did. She wondered what color his sheets were. Were they the typical navy blue? How many pillows did he own?

“And down here,” he said, opening a door, “this could be your room. It’s set up as a guest room right now, but we can have everything taken out, of course.”

They walked inside and Sophie immediately noted that the room was bigger than the room in her own apartment. Nicer lighting, too. Noah walked across the room and showed her the connected bathroom and walk-in closet.

“It’s nice,” she said, nodding. It was more than nice; it was beautiful and there was more space in that closet than she knew what to do with. She didn’t want to admit that to him, though.

He led her out and to the end of the hallway, flicking the light on as they entered. “And this could be the baby’s room…” He opened the door, revealing an empty white room.

Sophie entered, the room echoing as Noah spoke.

“I had it cleaned out. A blank canvas for you to decorate as you wish.”

Ideas already started to fill her mind. With a little wallpaper and furniture, this room could be perfect.

It made her feel poor in comparison. No wonder Noah wanted her to move in —he had seen her apartment. Even if he wasn’t going to be a part of their child’s life, he probably couldn’t imagine them living in such average housing.

Would she be a bad mother for not allowing her child to live and grow up here? Of course she wanted the best for her child, but moving in also meant living with Noah. Seeing him every day. Sleeping down the hall from each other. Would they eat meals together?

Noah leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. “So, what do you think?”

Sophie tried to keep her face neutral, trying not to give him the satisfaction of being right. How could she say no?

He must have seen right through her, though, because he smiled. “You love it, don’t you?

Sophie couldn’t deny it, and felt a smile creep onto her lips. “Yeah, I do.”

“So?” he urged.

She looked around the room once more, imagining the perfect nursery. “So… I’m saying yes.”