Noah walked over to the stove and Sophie settled into a chair at the island. “Chicken and mushroom risotto,” he answered while stirring the pan.

Sophie smirked and raised an eyebrow at him.

He grinned. “I told you I knew how to cook. I took a cooking course a few years back when I was in Italy on business.”

“And what made you decide to take a cooking class?”

“It’s a good skill to have,” he said with a shrug, grabbing plates and utensils out of the cupboards.

To pick up women,Sophie thought. “Do you need any help?”

“I think I got it. Thanks, though.” Noah began to set the large wooden table and told Sophie to take a seat.

Once she was sitting down, Noah served her a bowl of risotto topped with fresh herbs. Sophie had to admit she was impressed; she had never had a man cook for her before. At least, something that wasn’t cooked in the oven or microwave.

He grabbed them each a glass and set down a pitcher of water. She filled her glass; Sophie wouldn’t be drinking wine anytime soon.

Noah finally took a seat across from her, supplying them both with napkins.

Sophie waited for him to take the first bite before trying her own.

“Wow,” she gushed. “This is really good.” It tasted like something she would eat in a five-star restaurant.


“I never knew you went to Italy. Was that for the Gray Fallon deal?”

Noah nodded. “Sure was. My father and I thought it was going to be a tough negotiation but they took us up after the first meeting. So we spent the rest of the week doing whatever we liked.”

“Your father went with you?”

“Yeah. But I think that was the last bit of work I did with my father. He rented a yacht and spent the week getting drunk. I spent the week doing cooking classes and laying in the sun at the house we rented. Honestly, that trip is probably what inspired him to take a step back and begin traveling almost full-time.”

Sophie nodded thoughtfully. “He must have a lot of good stories after traveling for so long and to so many places.”

“Yeah, well if he does, he wouldn’t bother sharing them with me,” Noah said, and Sophie didn’t miss the bite in his tone. “But what about you? Have you done much traveling?”

“Not really. Only a few road trips here and there.”

“Is there anywhere you would really like to go? Any dream vacations?”

She considered his question. “Not a specific place but somewhere hot for sure. Somewhere you can lay in the sun and listen to birds. And somewhere you can get a really good piña colada.” She laughed. “Obviously when I’m no longer pregnant, of course.”

“You know, I think you’d really like this island off the coast of Italy. I can’t remember what the name was but I took a day trip there. It was beautiful; all the buildings were painted in bright colors and the water was bluer than any I’ve ever seen. I was a bit sad I didn’t get a chance to explore it further.”

“That sounds amazing.” She wondered how many other places he had had the opportunity to travel to after growing up so wealthy.

“We could go there if you wanted. You know, on the honeymoon.”

Sophie almost choked on her food and took a sip of water. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah, I mean, it’s expected that we go on a honeymoon. Might as well take advantage of it. We can go wherever you like. Though the timing will be perfect in Europe — most of the tourists will be gone or leaving.”

She didn’t know what to say. “With all the other things going on right now, I kind of forgot about the honeymoon. I’ve never planned a trip like that before.”

Noah shrugged. “I can take care of it, if you want. You obviously have enough to plan for the wedding.”

“Sure,” Sophie agreed.