For a moment, she had forgotten that anyone else was there.

Sophie sat up, the blood rushing from her head. She and Noah shared a small smile before going to get changed.

She had forgotten what it was like to let her guard down around Noah. How easily they got along. How much fun they had together. It was a shame that the same night they discovered it, they had decided to smother it. That they chose to be formal and rigid for the sake of this agreement.

Was this how it was going to be? A couple hours of false intimacy, shared only for the purpose of producing a false image? Was it worth the few moments of real connection that broke the surface during that time?

“Ready to go?” Noah asked as she met him back at the front door.

Sophie planted a smile on her face, shoving down her emotions. “Yeah, let’s go.”



Noah looked up as Ryan entered his office without warning.

“Can I help you?” he asked.

“I thought you’d want to see this.” Ryan held up a magazine in his hand.

“That’s notNova,” Noah said. “Their issue doesn’t come out until tomorrow.”

Ryan looked grim. “No, it’s not. It’sFlavor.”

Noah scoffed. “What do I want with some cheesy tabloid?”

Ryan tossed the magazine onto his desk. Noah recognized the person on the cover immediately.

It was Sophie.

She was in the baby aisle of a store; in one hand she was holding an infant onesie and her other hand rested on her stomach. Her face looked sad, most likely taken out of context by whatever sleazeball captured the photo.

Noah picked the magazine up, rage filling him as he read the headlines. “‘Birch’s baby momma shops alone.’ Those bastards! How the hell did they even find out she was pregnant? The whole point of announcing it this early was to avoid this kind of scandal.”

Ryan shrugged. “You thinkNovaleaked it?”

Noah shook his head. “No, ruining my image would only tarnish both of our brands.”

He flipped open the magazine to page seventeen and began to read.

Employee Slash Mistress Traps Billionaire

Noah Birch, Olympus City’s most eligible bachelor, is reportedly off the market. His new girlfriend, Sophie Cain, is sporting a suspiciously large diamond on her left hand. Unfortunately, we can confirm the rumors of their engagement. Not only that, Sophie was spotted, hand over stomach, in the baby aisle this past week. A possible explanation for Noah’s sudden change of heart… or relationship status.

How did Sophie manage to get Noah to move so quickly?

… Love bomb or baby bomb?

“What the hell does that even mean?” Noah brows furrowing in confusion. “It’s not like we were trying to hide the engagement. The only reasonNovadidn’t want to run the story so quickly is because they decided a shoot would be better.”

Ryan appeared at a loss.

Noah ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “Jesus, they made Sophie out to be some sleazy social climber.”

His cellphone began to ring and Richard’s name popped up on the screen. Noah sighed. “I have to take this. See if you can find out who leaked these photos.”

Ryan nodded and the door closed behind him just as Noah answered the phone. “Hello?”