“Great, let’s get you dressed. I was thinking, since you’re not showing yet, that we should stick to a more basic look,” Tracy said as she rooted through the rack of clothes.

She pulled out a long satin green dress and presented it to Sophie, who went to try it on.

Once changed, Sophie approached the large standing mirror.

Tracy gasped, “I love it!”

The dress was ethereal and earthy. It clung to her body in all the right places. And once Tracy removed the rollers from her hair, she was the image of Mother Earth.

Confidence radiated off her as they went to meet Noah.

She found him dressed in an earthy brown suit, with a white tunic unbuttoned beneath it. His hair was now gelled but not in the corporate style he usually wore — it still looked soft and boyish, tousled with small curls.

Lance smiled widely, his hands held out in awe as he took them in, standing side by side. He kissed his hand, “Perfection. Both of you.”

Sophie had to admit that he was right. Together, they looked elegant and regal but also secure and grounded. Connected. It was the perfect look to show Noah as a man who was laying down roots. Who was adding a name to their family tree. And Sophie was the leaves, the fertile growth of new life.

It was completely and subtly brilliant.

Lance introduced him to the photographer who gave them the rundown of the shoot. After that, Lance guided them to the large white canvas and posed them.

“You look incredible,” Noah murmured.

“Thank you,” Sophie said, blushing.

His eyes explored her dress, the fabric clinging to her hips. Sophie pretended not to notice, instead focusing on the orders Lance shouted at them from behind the camera.

“Noah, cup Sophie’s cheek. Sophie put your hand on his chest. Show us that ring!”

Flashes went off.

“Great. Now grip the collar of his suit. Noah, wrap your hands around her waist.”

Sophie pulled back.

“Yes! Now, look into his eyes.”

They did as instructed. Their faces were still about a foot away.

“Closer!” Lance shouted.

They leaned in as if to kiss but hovered there, their lips only an inch apart. Noah’s breath was cool and minty. His boyish charm from earlier melted and that aching desire slowly began to creep in.

A few more flashes went off.

“Okay,” Lance said. “Now Noah, move behind Sophie.”

He did so, maintaining a respectable distance.

“Maybe wrap your arms around her a little more? Really bring her into you.”

Noah wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, pulling her backside against him. His breath swept over her ear and neck.

Sophie let out a soft sigh. Thankfully it was only audible to her and Noah.

They stayed huddled like that for what felt like forever, Lance directing their hands into different positions to best capture the ring.

“Great, why don’t you place your hand over her stomach?”