The two women embraced themselves for a while, only pulling away from each other when Sergey joined us, a glass of white wine in his hand. “I can’t believe you’re going to be a father.”

I huffed. “I can’t believe it either. It feels like I’m dreaming.”

“I think we should name the babies before you wake up from your dream,” Maxim said. “How about we call the girl Kira and the boy Kiril?”

“How about you shut your mouth and let the parents decide?” Vlad glanced between Giselle and me. “Don’t tell me you’re considering naming your kids that?”

“Well…” Giselle’s eyes met mine and I nodded for her to go on. I liked the name. “It’s a pretty name, and it’s fitting for twins.”

“Both of you are traitors.”

Giselle mouthedsorryto Vlad.

The gender reveal went on for a couple more hours and Giselle was already exhausted by the time it was over. When we returned to the room after the guests had left, she sat on the bed, clamped a hand over her mouth and yawned. “I’m so fucking tired.”

I unbuttoned my dress shirt and threw it in the basket where we kept our dirty laundry. “Is there anything you’d like to eat?”

She shook her head. “I already had too much cake at the party. I’m not hungry.”

Taking off my slacks, I tossed them in the same basket, leaving my briefs on. I turned to my wife. “How about a deep muscle massage and a warm bath?”

She smiled. “Sounds like a good offer.” She laid her back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. “Kira and Kiril.”

I smiled at her as I turned to face her. “Do you like the names that much?”

“I do. What do they even mean?” she asked, sitting up. “They’re Russian names, aren’t they?”

“They are. Kiril means lord, and Kira means ruler.”

“Aren’t they basically the same thing?”

“They are.”

She shrugged. “I don’t mind. They have good meaning.”

“It’s a good thing you like them.” I walked to her and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “Take your clothes off, I’ll get the bathtub ready.”

I padded to the bathroom and ran the hot water. Once the bathtub filled, I topped it with a chamomile and strawberry bath gel. Anything else made Giselle nauseous.

Giselle had gotten out of her clothes when I returned to the bathroom, wearing just a red, laced panty and a bra with the same design and color. Her fair skin glinted in the moonlight pouring from the window and she was fucking sexy with her small bump.

It was hard to believe two halves of me and two halves of her were growing inside her.

A dark smile curled her lips, her gaze darting to the bulging in my briefs. “Don’t tell me you’re already hard, Mr. Vadim.”

I prowled to her with every intention of devouring her and curled my hand around her waist from behind her. She groaned when I pressed my chest to her back. “It’s hard not to have an erection around you, Mrs. Vadim. You’re so fucking beautiful, baby.”

Red blossomed on her cheeks, her pupils dilating. “Can you not say things that make me go crazy?”

I kissed the small of her neck and she moaned. “Why?”

She bit her lips and flushed. “Because I’m afraid I can’t handle it,” she said with a raspy voice.

I kissed my way up to her ear and licked it. “You know what I can’t handle? It’s you being so goddamn hot.”

She whirled around and licked her lips. My balls twitched in response, my cock getting harder. Her hands curled around my neck and her mouth moved against mine.

I kissed her, darting my tongue in her mouth and relishing the flavor of vanilla and chocolate cake. So fucking delicious.