Sergey’s glanced between Maxim and Vlad.
Vlad raised his hands and stepped back. “Not me.”
“I’ll go,” Maxim offered with a lopsided grin. “The Italians are losers, easy to defeat. I need a real fight.”
Right. Maxim was the only one of my brothers that got high on the adrenaline rush. The job suited him.
“When do I leave?”
“In two days. We’ll make preparations after the gender reveal party.” Sergey peered at me. “Are you in for a drink this evening?”
“I’ll pass.”
It was our babies’ gender reveal. You heard me right, babies. Giselle and I found out we were having twins during our prenatal months ago. We’d both been excited, but we hadn’t told the rest of the family yet.
We wanted to keep it as a surprise, and it was fun watching them fight over what gender the babies would be.
Though Lilianna already knew since she played a big part in helping Giselle with the preparations and they’d chosen to have the party on our patio. Since I contributed little—nothing more than the cash needed—I couldn’t abandon Giselle after such a stressful day. She’d need a good foot and shoulder massage after.
“I still can’t believe you’re going to become a father,” Vlad said, shaking his head pitifully. “Whatever it is you and Sergey are on, I hope it doesn’t rub off me and Maxim.”
“And never fuck around? No way,” Maxim obliged, swiveling the glass of whiskey in his hand.”
“I can’t believe you guys are talking about fucking at a baby shower.”
All four of us turned around to Lilianna. She crossed her hands over her chest, glowering at us. Giselle stood behind her, flushed.
Static shot to my cock. Giselle was four months pregnant now. Her bump had gotten a little bigger than it was last month, and she’d started to fill out. Her breasts were larger, her hips curvier. I swear I wanted to fuck her whenever I saw her.
She’d worn a mini-white dress, and she looked fucking gorgeous in it.
Her cheeks turned red when she caught my gaze and a smile spread on her lips.
“Just because you’re married to Sergey doesn’t mean you can scold us like you’re our mother,” Vlad retorted. “I’m older than you.”
“I’m your big sister by law. You still have to respect me,” Lilianna argued.
Vlad opened his mouth for a comeback but kept quiet when Sergey cleared his throat. Just like me, Sergey didn’t tolerate any disrespect to his wife, not even from his brothers.
“It’s time for the gender reveal,” Giselle chimed in to break the argument. “You boys should behave more maturely. You’re going to have a new niece or nephew soon.”
“I know they’re nieces,” Vlad muttered.
“I say it’s a boy,” Maxim disagreed. “Why have a niece when we can have a little man we can play with.”
“We can still play with a girl, dummy.”
“There’s only one way to find out,” Giselle said, smiling at both of them. She pointed to a part of the patio decorated with pink and blue balloons. “Whoever’s guess is right gets to name the baby.”
I gaped at her. No way she was choosing my brothers over me. “How about me?”
She raised her brows. “How about you?”
“I guessed first. What do I get in return?”
She chuckled and thought for a moment. “You’ll get a baby. It doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl, it’s yours anyway.” She looped her arms around mine and dragged me to the balloons.
“What if it’s a boy and a girl?”