Anger simmers in my stomach. “Did you just compare me to a dog?”

She doesn’t answer, but a sly smirk curls her lips. Our shoulders collided as she brushed past me.

Rude old hag.

I couldn’t decide if Arina hated me or if she was just a cranky old woman. I didn’t like her one bit, but then, I didn’t like anyone else here either. I walked to the closet and rummaged through for something to wear.

It was my wedding night, and most couples spent the night making love to each other. I didn’t know what the mafia did on their wedding night and what Nikolai expected of me.

He hated me, obviously, but what if… My pulse raced as I tried to stop memories of last night from entering my mind. He’d come so close to me and talked to me in such a way that my body came alive, yearning for him. Then he’d walked away.

Was he going to do that tonight, or was he going to touch me for real? I preferred if he would just drink the night away with his brothers, but the current rippling through my body wanted other things.

Damn pregnancy hormones.

I grabbed a pair of denim shorts and a white tank top and slung them over my shoulder. Closing the closet, I walked to the vanity, where different beauty products were lined up. Nikolai must’ve asked Arina to pick up different brands I could choose from. Too bad I didn’t like any of them, but I settled for one that was fragrance free.

I’d bent over to apply the cream on my legs when I heard someone enter the room and switch off the lights.

I jerked up, squinting my eyes to see who it was, but before I could scream out my lungs, the intruder strode across the room, pressed their chest against my back, and clamped a hand over my mouth.

Tears welled in my eyes. Was I going to die today, on my wedding day? I palmed my stomach, my baby was going to die before it even had a chance to be born, and Nikolai, I imagined him walking into the room hours or minutes later to find my lifeless body on the floor.

Would he care that I was dead, or would he simply dispose of my body and never speak of me again?

Chapter 11 - Giselle

My heart pounded violently against my ribcage, and ice coated my skin. I could tell it was a man from how muscled his chest was and how big his hands were around my mouth. Still, I couldn’t detect their scent from the smell of wine in his breath.

I wanted to bite him and scratch back, but the fear that he could be with a knife or a gun kept me still.

“Don’t kill me,” I mumbled into his hand. “Please.”

“Shhh,” he whispered, removing his hand from my mouth. “I won’t hurt you.”

I gasped when I heard whose voice it was. “Nikolai?” I tried to push him again with my elbow, but it felt like pushing a rock, so I pulled away instead. Rather than relief that I was safe, anger burned through me. “What is wrong with you?”

I could feel him smirk in the dark before he turned on the switch. When the light came on, I detected something I hadn’t seen in his expression before. His eyes were dark, and his usually blank countenance hardened.

Something was wrong, I could tell.

“Nikolai,” I muttered, peering into his eyes for a cue of what was wrong. He was still wearing his wedding suit from this morning, but the top buttons were open, and he no longer had on his blood red tie.

Despite the darkness in his expression sending shivers down my spine right now, I still thought Nikolai was handsome. Those chiseled jawlines, his broad shoulders, and dark eyes. He had a face and body runway models would kill for.

“What was that about?” I rasped.

“You’re defenseless,” he said, regarding me with a sinister smile. “I could’ve killed you if I wanted.”

“And that’s supposed to be funny?”

“It is, but only because I’m the person who came in.” He shrugged off his suit jacket and tossed it on the floor, then he loosened his tie. “We’ll have to do something about that.”

He started to undo his buttons, and I stared curiously, anxious to see the thick layer of skin and muscles beneath. Dirty thoughts bloomed in my head as he undid the final button. “Are you drunk?”

“It’ll take more than a few glasses of red wine for me to get drunk.” I saw him look at me from the corner of my eyes. “Are you that excited about watching me undress?”

I dragged my gaze from him, my eyes widening as I realized I’d been licking my lips. “I am not.”