He would look better holding a bow and arrow, and wearing rags than he did in a suit. He was no gentleman.

I muttered a “Yes.”

“We’re here to escort you inside.” He cocked his brows. “Give me your phone and any weapons you’re with.”

Gorge rose to my mouth. “I don’t have anything.”

His frown deepened and he stepped closer. “Don’t move.” I flinched when his hands landed on my shoulder and glided down to my breasts. He seethed as he pulled the cell phone out and passed it to the other guy. “One stupid move and you’re dead. Do you understand?”

I nodded.

He placed his hand on my back, basically shoving me forward.

The mansion glowed with chandeliers and golden décor. Two large staircases spread at either side of the foyer. The large walls constricted around me as if watching me and threatening to crush me as the large man led me to a room.

I wrenched at the smell of cigarettes as he opened the door, pushed me inside and closed the door behind me.

“Look who we have here,” a voice across pulled my attention. It was the same as the one I’d spoken to on the phone.

I flicked my gaze to him. His brown eyes met mine and a dark smirk caressed his face.

“Who are you?” I asked, the shakiness in my voice betraying the cold front I’d tried to project.

“Angelo Pietro, Capo of the Cosa Nostra.” He gestured to the chair across from his desk. “Have a seat.”

“No, thank you,” I forced out. “I’d rather get this over with quickly. Nikolai will be home soon. He’ll go looking for me if he finds out I’m not home.” I didn’t mention that I’d left a clue to help Nikolai find me if I didn’t make it back.

His eyes darted to my stomach, and I clumped my hand protectively around my small bump. My summer dress didn’t do much to hide that I was starting to show.

Angelo smiled. “This is one hell of a family reunion. Isn’t it?”

“Family?” I swallowed hard. “What do you mean?”

“I’m your brother, Giselle.” He stood up from his chair, leveling his gaze to mine. “Your asshole of a husband killed your father. Our father.”

Chapter 24 - Nikolai

“Where is she?”

Danil and Akin lowered their heads and clamped their hands together. My muscles twitched and anger bubbled in my stomach.

I’d been at the port with Mikhail and Maxim an hour ago when I got a call from Arina. They hadn’t seen Giselle since she came down for breakfast in the morning and after spending hours looking for her in vain, they resorted to calling me.

My blood pressure climbed higher each minute I spent in traffic and my thoughts diverged to every corner. Still, I couldn’t work out how Giselle could’ve gone missing when the house was fully guarded.

My fists clenched and I growled angrily. “Look at me.”

Danil raised his head, but Akin didn’t.

“I’ll kill you if I have to repeat myself one more time.”

Akin raised his head as well.

“Where is my wife?” I growled, glancing back and forth between both of them and thinking of the ways I would torture them before I eventually killed them if Giselle was hurt.

“I don’t know, boss,” Danil answered. “She was in the kitchen… She went down to the kitchen this morning—" I punched his jaw. The pain shooting up my knuckles made me want to punch him more, but I held back.

“I entrusted my wife to you, and you dare tell me you have no fucking idea where she is?” I pulled my gun from the upholster on my chest and pointed it at him. “Tell me one fucking reason why I shouldn’t put a bullet in your fucking head.”