He thought of how she had felt in his arms yesterday, how she had gripped him and stared into his eyes. Her eyes were the most beautiful cornflower blue that he thought only existed in Hollywood films. And the way she had looked at him—

No. Daniel shook his head, trying to banish those thoughts. Besides the fact that he didn’t have room in his life for romantic entanglements, Tessa was justwrongfor him. Rules and procedures were important to him, and she was just this chaotic free spirit, going through life without a thought for decorum.Then why can’t I get her out of my head?

It was becoming clear that there would be no completed crossword puzzle today. That thought needled at him. There hadn’t been a day in the past twelve years that he hadn’t started his day like this. What on earth was happening to him?


“Okay, so this display is going to showcase books that are big on… TokTik,” Daniel grumbled as he showed the table to Tessa. Martha had gotten the idea when at a Barnes & Noble two towns over, but the thought irked him.

“You mean TikTok. God, you really have this grumpy curmudgeon bit down to a science, don’t you?” Tessa’s lips turned up in a smile as she flipped through a romance novel selected for the display.

“Whatever,” he responded, stepping away from the table. “Just… make it look nice, okay?”

Tessa stood straight and held her hand to her temple in a mock salute, “You got it, Mr. Grumps.”

Daniel groaned and rubbed at his forehead. He could feel a headache coming on. “I think I liked Small Town better.”

“You don’t get to pick your nickname, bud,” Tessa said, her blue eyes sparkling. “But sure, we can stick with Small Town.” She turned her attention back to the display while Daniel moved toward the back office to do inventory on their new shipment.

Right as he was about to reach the blissful solitude of the office, however, he heard the jingle of bells above the front door and a familiar voice call out, “Hello there, dear! Is Daniel around?”

Crap.It was Patty. And when Patty was looking for him, it usually meant she was there to volunteer him for whatever ridiculous town event was currently going on. Not being able to avoid her had landed him in the Christmas pageant last year, wearing an itchy fake beard that had left him with a rash on his face for weeks.

He contemplated simply slipping into the back office and waiting it out. But he knew she would catch him eventually. He could say no, Daniel reasoned. But Patty knew how to pull his strings effortlessly, and Daniel was a bit of a pushover when it came to older folks needing his help.

“Daniel, dear! There you are!”

Daniel turned to greet Patty, wondering what he would agree to help her with this time. “Patty, always a pleasure to see you. Looking for another romance novel?”

Patty blushed and patted at her glasses on the chain around her neck, “Shush, that is supposed to be our little secret. No, no. I was actually hoping to enlist your help with an important project.”

There it is.Daniel fought to keep a warm smile on his face, “What are you needing help with?”

Patty threw her hands in the air, always one for a little drama, “Well, we had old Algon agree to help with the center display for the big Harvest Festival. But wouldn’t you know, he was helping a neighbor patch their roof and took a tumble.”

Daniel blanched, “My god, is he okay?”

She rolled her eyes and waved away the question with a hand glittering with rings, “Of course. Of course. Just some bumps and scrapes. But the doctor is being extra cautious and insisting that he take a break from any construction projects. Can you believe it? With the Harvest Festival on the way, that really shoots us in the foot.”

I’m sure it’s a lot more inconvenient for Algon, Daniel thought to himself, “Well, I—”

“What is this about a Harvest Festival? You need help?”

Daniel hadn’t noticed Tessa listening in on him and Patty, but her eyes now dazzled with interest. She was holding one of those smutty romance books that Patty loved, observing the two of them. “Yes, well, I’m sure Patty—”

Patty clapped her hands together in pleasure, her face lit up in a mischievous grin, “Oh, this is just kismet! Yes, the two of you would make a great addition to our crew. I’ll put you down!”

Before Daniel could protest, Patty was exiting the shop in a flurry of excitement.Well, I guess that’s that. God, how do I always get roped into these things?Still, he wasn’t terribly worried about it. Despite his resistance, he did enjoy being of use. After all, this town had picked up raising him from where his father had failed. He owed them a lot.

Tessa turned to him, an inquisitive look on her face, that little furrow between her brows, “So, what’s up with the Harvest Festival?”

Daniel ran his hand through his hair and shrugged, “It’s the biggest event of the year. A big deal for tourism, and just to the town in general. It goes on for an entire weekend, and everyone pitches in. There are cake walks, bobbing for apples, Trunk or Treat, and booths with everything from handmade crafts to baked goods. It’s a lot of fun.”

A smile crossed Tessa’s lips as she considered this. “It sounds really fun. Let me guess, Patty ropes you into helping with a major project every year?” Daniel didn’t miss the amusement in her blue eyes.

Daniel grunted in the affirmative, “Every year, like clockwork. I really have to learn how to say ‘no’ to that woman.”

“Something tells me that you have no problem saying no. When youwantto.”