Lily shook her head and gestured for Tessa to get ready. “There’s no time to explain. But we need you. Right away. So, go put yourself together, and we’ll wait here.”

Despite the absolute ridiculousness of the situation, Tessa couldn’t help but feel somewhat warmed by it. If her last day here would be handling a “Harvest Festival” emergency with Patty and Lily, well, that was a great way to close the book on this chapter. She would miss the two women and their antics.

“Alright, alright. But, you know, let me close the door first,” she said with a laugh.

The two women exchanged glances, and Patty spoke up first. “I guess that makes sense. We’ll be downstairs. Be quick but, um, make sure you look cute.”

That puzzled Tessa. What kind of emergency necessitated that she look cute? It was an unusual request, but Tessa felt like questioning them further would just lead to more vague remarks, so she shrugged and closed the door, crossing the room to the closet in the corner.

In a matter of moments, Tessa was dressed in her faded blue jeans, white collared shirt, and an oversized, cable-knit sweater. She did a double-take in the mirror before deciding to layer a few necklaces and add to the cute factor. Finally content with her appearance, Tessa stifled another yawn and momentarily mourned the fact that she likely wouldn’t see coffee for another few hours, at least.

Well, time to go deal with this mysterious emergency. Tessa momentarily entertained the thought of what Daniel would think about a Harvest Festival emergency. He would probably have something sarcastic yet charming to say about what counted as an emergency. The thought shot a pang of sadness through her heart. It was best to leave thoughts of Daniel in the past.

That will be a lot easier once I’m out of town, she thought to herself with a tinge of grief. But for now, she would see to Patty and Lily and make sure everything was just right for the Harvest Festival. It was the least Tessa could do for a town that had taken such good care of her.

She eased down the stairs, wishing desperately that one of the women had gone to make a pot of coffee while she had been getting ready. No dice. The two women were crowded around the reception desk, whispering furiously to each other. No coffee in sight.

“Oh, Tessa, dear!” Patty turned to welcome Tessa, but then her lips turned downward into a frown. “That was the best you could do? Oh well, it will have to be good enough. We’re going to be late!”

Late for an emergency?Tessa was beginning to think there was more to this than just a few smashed Jack O’ Lanterns. The two women, she realized, were definitely up to something. Narrowing her eyes, she followed Lily and Patty outside.

The two women chattered nervously as they strode toward the main square, very at ease for being on the way to an emergency. Tessa was growing more suspicious the closer they got to the plaza. It was likely that this whole event was just a ploy manufactured to convince her to stay.

But there was only one person who could really do that. Tessa had been ignoring his calls, knowing that one word from him and she might change her plans. She didn’t want to appear so weak. What he had said to her had seared into her mind, and it would take more than a simple “I’m sorry” to undo the damage done.

As Tessa neared the plaza, she realized something. There were quite a few people already there. That Harvest Festival was tonight, so seven in the morning seemed a little early to be setting up. But there was Burt from the hardware store and Angela from the plant nursery. What was going on?

When Randy from the auto shop stepped up to her with a yellow daisy in his hand, Tessa realized this was something altogether different. He grinned as he pressed the flower into her grasp.

“You look absolutely lovely today, Tessa,” he said with a brilliant smile before stepping back.

She wanted to ask him what he thought he was doing, but before she could, another person stepped forward, handing her another yellow daisy. Tessa blushed and accepted it. Despite Tessa’s whirlwind personality, she had always felt a little shy in the spotlight. As she walked toward the center of the plaza, more and more townsfolk approached her, all gifting her with a flower.

By the time she reached the main display, she had a full, beautiful bouquet. The scent of the daisies tickled her nose, and she grinned. She already knew what was coming before she even saw him, but tears leapt to her eyes when she did.

Daniel was standing in front of the main display. He had dressed up for this. Gone were his beanie and the flannels he preferred. In fact, he looked even sharper than he had on any of their dates. Had he gotten a haircut? It suited him. He was also holding a medium-sized gift box wrapped up in a yellow and silver bow.

Though he appeared nervous as she approached, his broad grin stayed firmly in place. His fingers drummed the box in his hand, and he shifted from foot to foot.

Good, let’s see him sweat a little, she thought to herself affectionately. Though she had to admit, she hadn’t seen something like this coming. She had never seen Daniel as a grand gesture type of guy. Far from it, actually. Which meant that this must mean a lot to him. Slowly, she could feel her earlier resolve ebbing away.

“You better make this good,” she teased when she finally reached him.

Daniel nodded. He reached out a hand and gently took hers. “Tessa. I want to start this off by saying that I am the biggest idiot that the world has ever seen to push you away the way I did.”

Tessa bit back a smile and nodded. “Solid start.”

Daniel let out a low chuckle and met her gaze. “I know you have made plans, and I have no right to ask you to change them. Not after what I said to you. But the truth is, I would do anything to get you to stay. You have changed my life for the better. I can hardly remember what I did with myself before you came along. And I don’t want to go back. That life, well, it lacked… sunshine.” He smiled at her then, his dimples deepening.

The words seemed like they had been ripped straight out of a grand love story. This whole thing was so not Daniel’s style. It was hers. He was laying down his pride and trying to meet her where she was. That meant more to her than anything.

“Daniel, I just thought—I mean, you were so angry.” Her voice came out a little breathless.

“I was. But I was also stupid. I didn’t even give you a chance to explain. I just jumped straight to anger. The truth is, it scared me. The idea of losing you to the city. I know this town can’t compete with that kind of glamor.”

“I was never really much for glamor.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Oh, Big City? And whatdoesappeal to you?”