“Is that even a question? Of course, Daniel! I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with! Your writing has greatly improved over the last few weeks, and I’m so excited to see the finished product.”

“Great. How about we meet at Lily’s tonight? There’s a malted milkshake and a bacon cheeseburger with your name on it. You’ve earned it for all the work you’ve done to help me.”

“It’s a date! Hey, I gotta go,” Tessa said. “Pippin is currently terrorizing a squirrel. Hey, stop that!” The call disconnected in a shuffle of chaos.

Daniel shook his head with a chuckle as he stared at the phone in his hand. “It’s a date.”

He was so distracted by the conversation that he didn’t even hear Martha approaching the door to the back office.

“My, you’ve really been working hard on that book lately,” she observed, leaning against the doorframe. Her hands were cupped around a steaming mug of coffee, and there was a twinkle in her eye.

“Yeah, I have just felt more inspired lately, I guess. I’m actually close to finishing the first draft, I think.” Daniel couldn’t fight the smile that came to his face. He was nearly finished with the first draft. He hadn’t thought he was anywhere near that point, but now, he was looking at the finish line.

“So, whatareyour intentions with that girl? You sure have been spending a lot of time with her. I’ve seen, well, a change in you. And I rather like it. You seem lighter. More yourself than you’ve been since you were a wiry teenager.”

Daniel shook his head and looked away. “I’m not sure if you could say I haveintentionsnecessarily. I do know that I would like her to stick around. I worry, though. She’s not used to staying in one place. And she just came from Boston. I’m afraid there isn’t enough excitement in Lucas to keep her here.

Martha shook her head in return and stepped into the small office, setting her mug down on the desk. She clicked her tongue and gave Daniel one of those stern, motherly looks that she had mastered over the years. “Daniel, you are a very special man. I knew you were something remarkable the first time you ever set foot in this shop. But you are also stubborn as a mule. This woman has been the first thing to truly challenge your worldview in a long time.”

Daniel went to interrupt, but she held up a hand, halting him.

“She is a free spirit. That much is true. We’ve all seen the winds of chaos she blew in on, and I’m not saying I completely understand all of her quirks. But she isgoodfor you. She is goodtoyou. And I would hate to see you screw that up.”

Daniel waited a few beats, making sure she didn’t have more to add before speaking. “I know that. I have really begun to understand what she means to me and to this town. But I’m so in over my head that I am not sure what I would do if she chose to leave.”

Martha clicked her tongue again. “That’s the thing, son. You can’t tell the future. No one can, and it’s for the best that we can’t, really. It is entirely possible that she chooses to leave one day. I won’t say I know her mind. Because I don’t. I see that you matter to each other, though, and that counts for something. Explore this andseewhere it goes, or you might ruin it before you get a chance at something great.”

It was something to consider. Daniel had grown up in such an unstable environment that he had clung to rules and procedures as a way to keep himself safe. There had been no room for chaos or anything unexpected. But he couldn’t deny that he had felt more alive since Tessa had crash-landed in his life.

“I think I’m just—I’m scared,” he admitted.

Martha’s expression softened as she sat down in the chair beside him. She reached out a hand and rubbed at his shoulder affectionately. “I know, Daniel. Love is a scary thing. But it’s worth taking a few risks for.”

Something like resolve steeled his veins, and Daniel met her gaze. “You’re right. I have to at least try. She seems to be warming up to the town. There’s a chance we could have something long-term.”

Martha’s expression wavered. “Just make sure you aren’t putting too many expectations on her. That’s the quickest way to spook someone. Ask her to stay if you wish, but make sure there is no pressure to what you’re asking.”

Daniel nodded, taking that in. “It’s a big step.”

“It’s a very big step, but you have always been braver than you gave yourself credit for, dear. I think you will find that Tessa might be more receptive than you think.” Martha held his hand in hers and squeezed. “Now, go get ready for that date of yours.”

As Daniel rose, grabbing his laptop off the table, he considered what Martha had told him. He had never really been the type to put himself out there. He was more the type to watch and see what happens. But Tessa had undoubtedly shaken up his life, so it seemed only fitting that he would do something a little reckless in return.

Heading to his apartment upstairs, Daniel took in a deep breath once he crossed the threshold. He looked around at his small apartment. So little had changed since he had moved in. Sure, he had updated the TV a few years ago. And there were more books on the shelves than there used to be. But overall, things had remained largely the same.

He figured the same was true of his life. He had been sleepwalking for years, and it had taken a beautiful blonde to come into his life and shake him from his slumber.

Daniel slipped into his bedroom and stood before his closet, gazing at the shirts hanging there. If tonight would be the night he would ask Tessa to stay, he needed something a little more refined than just his old flannel work shirts.

He dug through the contents of the closet, looking for something a bit more presentable—something that would surprise and delight Tessa. He found a light blue button-up shirt and a navy blue tie. Content with this selection, he got dressed quickly.

As he prepared himself for the date with Tessa, he couldn’t stop thinking about what he had discussed with Martha. Nothing in his life had changed for years and years. He liked the consistency after so much turmoil in his youth. He had begun to view change as something to be regarded with suspicion.

Now, though, he saw a new opportunity—a future with Tessa. While he wasn’t sure he would ever be able to tame her wild spirit, he was also learning that he didn’t really want to. He now realized that this could be something special. Something outside the bounds of his carefully curated life.

Daniel couldn’t let this slip through his fingers. He needed to pull out all the stops and stop second-guessing every move. He had learned something about himself the night that Tessa had called him in a panic. Despite everything, he always wanted to be the one she called on nights like those. He wanted to protect her from all the heartache in the world, with his own heart as a shield.

Was it possible that Tessa would run screaming for the exit? Entirely possible. But their conversation outside his childhood home gave him some hope. She seemed to be warming to the idea of sticking around. And tonight, he would ask her, point blank. Lay out all his cards and hope for the best.