The kiss was unlike any Tessa had experienced. It wasn’t hungry and searching. It was soft and tender, like a sigh across her lips. She returned the kiss with the same tenderness, reaching out to touch Daniel’s arm. For a moment, it was like the entire world had melted away, and it was just the two of them. As strange as it was, Tessa had to admit that this felt right. Daniel was the man she had been hoping for when reading all of her sappy romance novels. He hadn’t been as expected, but he had been just right.

When they finally broke apart, Tessa laughed nervously and looked away. “You’re, uh, really good at that for someone out of practice.”

“It helps to have a good partner,” Daniel said with that same tenderness that had been in his kiss. “I enjoyed tonight, Tessa. I look forward to another night like this.”

“Me too,” she said because all other words had left her.

He reached out and gave her one last peck on the forehead before shoving his hands in his pockets and striding down the walkway. Tessa practically floated inside, sighing as she closed the door behind her.

“That good, huh?” Patty was in her usual spot, still going over the same paperwork from before, though Tessa wondered if she had planned to be here upon her return. The older women in this town really loved their gossip.

“Oh, hush. You’re being nosey again,” Tessa reprimanded, though there was no real force behind the words. “But yes, it was… wonderful, really.”

“We told you that you just had to melt through that tough exterior. Daniel is a good man, and the two of you are lucky to have each other, it seems.” Patty’s eyes twinkled as she said the words. Something told Tessa she had been waiting for exactly this outcome.

“Well, I’m going to turn in for the night. Good night, Patty. And… thank you. For your kindness. This place is really starting to feel like an actual home.”Something I’m not sure I had ever had before.

Kicking off her ankle boots, Tessa picked them up and trotted up the stairs toward her room. Her feetwerestarting to kill her, she noted with a wince. When she shoved open the door to her room, Merry and Pippin were cuddled up together at the foot of her bed.

“Well, guys. That was… well, it went better than I could have anticipated. I think we might have found someone special. But don’t worry. I’ll let him know we’re a package deal.”

Merry meowed softly and rolled over in reply. Pippin merely watched her with curious eyes.

She began getting ready for bed. They had spent hours at the restaurant, talking about anything and everything. It felt like time had stopped while they sat there, but when she exited the restaurant, she realized it was nearing eleven. Time just flew by when she was happy, and it seemed that Daniel made her very, very happy.

Just as she was pulling the covers aside to turn in for the night, her phone began to buzz on the nightstand.That’s strange. Who could be calling me so late?Tessa picked up the phone and looked at the display, but the number was unfamiliar. Worried it might be a hospital calling about her aging parents, she picked up on the third ring.

“Hello, this is Tessa Winters speaking,” she said, trying to keep her voice even despite the worry.

“Oh my, I wasn’t expecting you to pick up at such an hour! I was just going to leave a message!” The voice on the other end sounded unfamiliar and more than a little overworked. “Miss Winters, it is so nice to speak with you. My name is Debra Collins, and I’m fromHawthorn Readers Gazette.”

Tessa wracked her brain. She was vaguely familiar with the publication. They were a competitor of her former employers and well-respected, though she had hardly had a chance to keep up with them during her tenure at her old job. “Yes, how may I help you, Miss Collins?”

“Oh, call me Debra, please! Well, it has just reached me that you are no longer atOliver Review,and I just had to jump on the opportunity! I have been following your work closely, and I think you have an exceptionally sharp mind and prose style. We were hoping you might want to join us here atHawthorn.”

Tessa nearly choked on her own spit. Was this for real? A few weeks ago, this would have been the opportunity of a lifetime. She would have practically jumped down the phone line to accept. It was a dream job. But now? She hesitated, worrying at her lip with her front teeth. Now, things were a bit more complicated.

The truth was, she was tempted. Oh, so tempted. But she had done work building a life here. She felt torn, and it wasn’t a feeling she welcomed. She thought of Daniel, and she found herself saying, “Do you mind if I take some time to think about it?”

There was a brief pause on the other side of the line before Debra came back cheerfully. “Of course! I will go ahead and send along the offer letter for you to look over. It’ll give you an idea of what we’re willing to do to get you on staff. I do hope you decide to take us up on it.”

“Yes, I will definitely give it some thought. Thank you so much for the offer.” Tessa felt numb, like she was having an out-of-body experience. How was this real life?

“Of course, you have an excellent evening, Tessa. I hope to hear from you soon.”

And with that, Tessa muttered a goodbye and hung up, letting the phone fall to the mattress before her with a soft thump. She sighed, running her hands through her curls roughly.

This was an opportunity of a lifetime. She knew that. So, why was she suddenly unsure if this was really what she wanted anymore?

Chapter ten

Aweekhadpassedsince Daniel’s first date with Tessa, and lately, it seemed as though they spent all their time together. Early morning coffee dates, late night editing sessions on his manuscript—he loved every moment he was able to get with her. He sat at the small kitchen table in his apartment, a cup of mostly drained Sleepy Time tea in his hands, smiling to himself like an idiot.

This woman has driven me completely mad,he thought to himself. With a shake of his head, he carried his nearly empty cup of tea to the sink, rinsing it out. It was time to turn in for the night. His household chores were done, his manuscript was mostly edited with Tessa’s notes. He just needed a good night's sleep, and this would be a productive day.

At least, that was the plan. However, Daniel woke up quite abruptly at a little past two in the morning to his phone buzzing loudly from his dresser. With a groan, he threw his pillow over his head and rolled over to go back to sleep. Whatever it was, it could wait, surely.

But as soon as the buzzing stopped, it paused for a mere moment before it started up again.Okay, whoever is calling better be at death’s door, he grumbled to himself as he reached for the phone. His heart stopped when his eyes landed on the contact photo—Tessa. Without hesitation and suddenly very awake, he answered the call.