Page 8 of Brazen Indulgences

I simply shrugged while the other three chuckled. Oh boy.

Mason promised to show us another time but wanted me to have a chance to see what I wanted.

I sighed. Heavily. “I don’t want to watch family shows. It makes me feel too much or think too much and you said this was relaxing.”

“Totally fair,” Owen accepted. “I tend to be the same. I also don’t like nightlife stuff. We get enough of that, and most of the shows make all nightclub owners seem trashy and sleazy.”

To be fair, a lot of them were, but I nodded in agreement. Yeah, I didn’t want to watch anything with adult entertainment themes or strippers. “Definitely nothing angels and demons or Heaven and Hell. Blerg.”

“Again, fair,” Evan chuckled as he cracked some more legs. “These are exactly what I needed, love. I’ve had a bit too much of the same on the go lately. Damn, I needed a night off to just relax and eat too much.”

I was glad we were all getting what we needed instead of feeling selfish. “I don’t like when they try and make you feel bad for the criminals. I mean, vigilantes—obviously that’s a bit different to me. But like mob shit annoys me. Or like prison shows where they try to make you feel bad for someone who murdered four people.”

After some back and forth, we decided on Game of Thrones. Sex and fighting and nothing offensive for any of us, and it was super popular and not based in reality at all.

It kind of ticked all of the boxes.

Plus, Owen, Evan, and Mason had all started it but gotten too busy to keep up with it. So they were happy to restart it in the hopes of getting to finish it now that the final season was coming out soon.

After we finished stuffing our faces.


“Put down the phone or one of us will take it away, darling,” Aidan threatened… Again.

“I think someone doesn’t know how to relax,” Owen teased me as he took my phone out of my hands.

It was the third time they’d busted me in twenty minutes. I sighed, giving him a look to go easy on me.

“Do you not like it?” Aidan worried.

“No, it just started and it’s too early to tell,” I muttered. “The quality is good and the costumes—as someone in entertainment, I appreciate the costumes and work involved.” I shut my mouth and tried to focus, but I got antsy.

“That lasted ten minutes,” Evan chuckled when I stood a bit later.

“I feel like I should be doing something,” I grumbled. “It’s distracting. This is—”

Aidan paused the show—somehow having the remotes even if it wasn’t his house—and gave me a concerned look. “We’re teasing you. We’ve all been where you are and had too much going on that it’s hard to relax. Or apparently, this is your first time. So what—you told me you like to read. You work on computers. You can sit still.”

“Her hands aren’t busy,” Mason muttered, studying me closely.

“We can fix that, love,” Evan teased, wincing when Owen cracked him one. “Sorry, it just—sorry.” He met my gaze and gave me a soft smile. “Really, I’m sorry. I just wanted to lighten the mood.” He got to his feet and quickly moved the coffee table and plopped down. “Let’s do some yoga while we watch.”

“Yes,” I sighed, loving the idea and glad someone got it.

“I’m going to watch her doing that instead of the show then,” Aidan drawled. He cleared his throat when I shot him a look. “But it’s worth it. Teach me patience, darling.”

I moved off to the side a bit so I didn’t block Mason and Aidan’s view even if I started on the floor. I moved my body as I watched and focused on the show, feeling myself able to switch gears now and relax.

Until about fifteen minutes later and I glanced up to see all four men watching me instead of the show.

“Seriously?” I huffed when they didn’t seem to feel sorry at all.

“I only looked when your ankle went behind your head,” Owen admitted. “Like how? I mean, I know people can do that, but you didn’t even seem to try hard and it was like how I stretch my fingers. Ouch.”

That was the comic relief I needed, laughing and lowering my leg before going and plopping on his lap. I watched the last little bit of the episode from his lap getting snuggles. We had cheesecake after and everyone agreed to call it an early night, probably to not push me or leave it at something easy.

I appreciated that. I thanked them for coming, feeling a bit weird about hosting with Mason basically, but no one made a thing of it, so really it was just a nice night.