Page 43 of Brazen Indulgences

“What don’t I know?” she chuckled, clearly looking down on me.

“Well, for one, you grew up in a fuckingpackas a shifter. Youweretaught things like basic knowledge about what you are. Right? Demonsweren’t, idiot.” I took a step closer when she did, making it clear I wasn’t going to back down. “There are classes taught to psychologists just on how to help humans who have been adopted and the struggles they can have accepting it. How to tell them so it’s not traumatic.

“That’s simply that they were adopted by other humans. Our fathers were fuckingangelsand we pop out demons. Which isn’t a thing according to the rest of the world. Do you have any idea how fucking traumatic that is? How difficult it is to wrap your mind around it? And that’s before you learn you feed onsin. And for me, I don’t even believe lust is a fucking sin nor something to be ashamed of.

“So that’s a huge mind fuck. And, until recently, there wasn’t any sort of council for us or safe place to go. So while your parents and pack were helping you handle being a shifter, learning your abilities and control—I was on the run because I killed three humans who tried to rape me. Then a vampire tried to sell the virginity of a lust demon and I had no idea about any of this because I grew up in a human-only area.

“Basically, I’m saying you don’t fucking know anything and to shut your mouth before you really piss me off.” I shot Lisa a look that most would flinch from, but she was too stupid. “And it is against corporate policy to have such a hostile work environment like this,andit’s very clear that victim-blaming won’t be tolerated. So this better be the last time I ever hear shit like this.”

Anger filled her eyes. “You work for me.”

I snorted. “No, I don’t. I work for Heavenly Entertainment. You’re just the manager here, and they have extras for easy exchange if one is rotten.”

She moved closer and got in my face. “One word from me and they’d fire your ass so fast your head would spin, so I’d lose the attitude.”

“No, they wouldn’t,” I purred. “I was just dancing at another club doing great and that manager was thrilled with me, people from corporate even checking me out when they did an inspection. So I bet they’d have a lot of questions for you if you suddenly just fired me after all of that. I bet they’d be in here tomorrow wondering what is going on.”

She curled her lip at me but stepped back at least. “I wouldn’t brag too much that you’re excited to be some snitch for corporate and be their good little dog.”

“Actually, I have no desire to be a snitch for them at all. I’m fairly chill and leave things alone for everyone to figure out as they want. That’s how fucked this whole conversation has been if you’ve got me close to reporting it because I’ve never reported anything.” I glanced at the three of them and snorted. “No wonder you only have a couple of demons working here.”

“Whatever, you need to get up there and do your set,” Lisa told me with something dark dancing in her eyes.

“I just did my set,” I told her, making it clear that I looked down on her that she couldn’t even get that right.

“No, your next set.” She chuckled when I simply raised an eyebrow. “We have a bit of fun with the new kids and some light hazing. We’ve all done it.”

Yeah, sure they had.

“Normally, I would have no problem, but after this conversation, I think I’ll make sure I know exactly what’s going on,” I replied. I continued when she opened her mouth. “I can’t be an idiot caught up in something I can’t get out of, right? Since it would be all my fault then and not the assholes who broke the rules or did something illegal?”

She bared her teeth at me like it was a real threat, but honestly I had a hard time not just laughing in her face. “You just dance. You dance until you have to tap out. Don’t be dramatic like we’re going to have someone abduct you off stage. It’s just an endurance test.”

“The longest is like twelve songs,” the first woman chimed in.

I smirked at Lisa. “And I bet it wasn’t you.” I turned and headed towards the DJ to load a playlist to cover me the rest of the night.

The first few songs were nothing, a normal set and barely had my heart rate going I was in such good shape and used to it.

By the sixth song, I felt like I needed to slow down on my normal amount of flips on the pole and like I was jogging.

I smirked out at the dancers and Lisa when I was doing my twelfth song and not even near stopping anytime soon.

It was probably about song thirty that I knew I was going to be sore later and wanted a bottle of water. I’d honestly lost track of the count, so I couldn’t be sure. But I thought it was around there.

And yeah, that was about two hours of dancing straight.

Pole dancing and not just grinding.

Shit, this is the workout I’ve been needing to push myself.I swallowed a snort, realizing we could make an event out of it with gambling and taking bets how many songs. A charity event for how long I could dance for.

I would need a different cover and glamour just for it, but it would be worth it. I wasworkingmy body and pushing hard. This wasn’t my normal dancing hard to get out what I was feeling, but top-level just running.

“Okay, I’m calling it,” Lisa announced after about three and a half hours.

“I’m not done,” I panted, smiling because my body ached but felt good more than my pride or pushing her buttons.

“You are. The stage is covered in your sweat and I’m not—you’re not being a stubborn idiot who breaks something on my watch. Call it.”