Page 27 of Brazen Indulgences

“Nope, I totally agree. The cuteness got me,” he chuckled easily.

“Plus, I’m not sure this little guy is up for the hustle and crazy we have.Weare introverts, but we’re needed too often.” I rubbed my nose against the puppy’s. “Right, baby? You want a quiet cottage with someone retired who has nothing but time and love to give you. All the snuggles and toys.” I went to hand him off to the worker, but he cried for me and I held onto him.

“I know that look,” she chuckled, shaking her head.

“You know this shelter?” I asked Mason.

“No, but I’ve seen them host events here before when I lived here,” he said cautiously.

“Call Kyle. He’s tapped into shelters and who’s on the good list.”

He frowned. “What are you thinking?” He sighed at whatever he got off of me.

I shrugged. “Kiera learned not to let me near shelters a long time ago. Kyle can donate and keep his distance. I funded the shelter she took me to for like five years because they needed help.” I gave the puppy more kisses. “Yes, you can have my money, baby boy. I cannot say no to your cuteness. Don’t tell anyone I’m a huge softie, okay?”

“I didn’t bring you here to donate,” Mason worried.

I shrugged again. “I think I’m supposed to do it more for tax… Things. I don’t know. Lewis is the adult in my life with all of that stuff. Whatever, I have the money.” I held up the puppy to Mason when he went to say something again. “They save babies who would be killed at other shelters. Seriously, I can’t think of anything better to help fund. I already give enough to ocean cleanup when I recycle.”

He caved and called Kyle, the worker looking at me like she didn’t know if I was kidding, crazy, or serious.

When the puppy yawned, I actually cradled him like a baby in my arms and rocked him as I started softly singing.

Kyle showed up and shot me a look before talking to one of the coordinators. He seemed happy with whatever they were telling him. He was way more into this scene than I was. I noticed a few of the guys on his teams had come with and were playing with some of the adult dogs available to be adopted.

He came over by me and snorted when he saw I was still rocking the puppy. “It might actually be a good idea to foster dogs. At certain places you own.”

Where we were putting the rescued demons. Therapy animals were a tried and tested way to help people.

“I’m not against it, but we’d need one person to be like the house parent to really handle everything,” I said quietly under my breath. “The people coming in aren’t going to always be in a good place, Kyle. One accident or mistake and it would make things so much worse.”

And none of us would forgive ourselves if we’d let a poor dog die because we rescued a demon who lost control and was too strong. Hell, humans had accidents and tripped over dogs and hurt them. We did something like that and we could kill a dog in a flash.

“Good point, but I do like the idea of each house having a set parent. Not fostering dogs, but adult dogs who live there. If both sides are coming and going, that’s a bit too much, but dogs could sniff out problems too,” Kyle mumbled.

“I’m not against it, but I’m not in charge of this, and you shouldn’t be either because you’re just as big of a softie.”

At least he didn’t deny it.

“And what is this handsome boy’s name, love?” Owen asked as he moved up next to me. He chuckled when I simply blinked at him. “Mason told me he might have started some trouble and asked my thoughts.”

“I didn’t even ask,” I admitted, glancing over at the worker who was still watching me to make sure I didn’t abscond with the puppy.

“Mudbug,” she answered.

“That’s pretty adorable,” Owen cooed. “He’s a good soul.” He booped the puppy’s nose. “And look at those paws! He’s going to be a big boy.”

“Yeah, I hope he finds a good home,” I muttered, my heart aching at the idea of never seeing him again.

“I think he has,” Owen said quietly.

“I can’t.” I shook my head when he chuckled. “Wasn’t it you who just said not to pile things on? I’m barely holding it together, Owen. Taking on the responsibility of a living being, one who is a rescue and needs the attention of a puppy is—”

“Oh my god, I need to adopt this puppy right now,” Evan said as he jogged over to me. He scooped him out of my arms and gasped as the puppy woke up. “Well, hello there, handsome!” He glanced over at Owen. “You felt it, right? The vibe of this little guy?”

“Yeah, I think he’s the guy we’ve been looking for,” Owen said, before looking at me. “We were talking about getting a pup. We weren’t thinkingpuppy, but now we have more people who are around that could help.” He looked over to Mason. “You mind watching him if we’re both at the club at night, mate?”

“No, I’d love it,” Mason agreed. “Or if you guys are doing inventory—whatever. I think it would be great. The place I’m staying at has a nice yard and it’s not like it would be a hassle to drop him off.”