Page 78 of Brazen Indulgences

“You are too adorable. Now text him.” He took the puppy from me and nodded to my phone as if I might forget how to contact Mason.

“Right, yeah, I’ve got this,” I muttered, not feeling like I did at all.

Me: Sounds great! I thought maybe you changed your mind. What should I do?

Mason: Not at all. I wanted to wait until it felt like you could take a night off.

Mason: Just tell me what time you’ll be home for dinner?

I blinked at Evan as if that would somehow help me.

“Oh good god, you’re so damn adorable, and I wished I’d waited as well now,” he muttered, moving next to me so he could read over my shoulder. “Tell him a time.”

“Right, but I have to do more than show up, right? I should get like—I just got waxed. Like… Spa? I should spa or something. How could he just spring this on me?”

“Because I think he knew you’d be freaking out like this,” he chuckled.

Yeah, that was fair.

“Maybe making this a big deal was a bad idea,” I worried.

“No, it’s not, and I’m sure Kiera or Natalia or someone has a hookup for a spa that—”

“Lewis. He has all the best everything using my money normally.” I hurried to text Lewis that I needed something somewhere and then handed the phone to Evan when Lewis called me to ask what the fuck that meant.

“She’s having a romantic date with Mason, and she wants to relax and be pretty,” Evan said. “Can you hook her up so she can show up fabulous like normal?”

“I’m insulted you’d have to ask even though you barely know me,” Lewis replied. “I’ll have her set up before she can portal here as long as I get to pick her outfit.”

“He’s making us dinner,” I told him. “Don’t put me in a ballgown.”

“Fine, and I won’t put you in high heels so you can be his height. Something cutesy and feminine. Love you.”

I sighed as he hurried to hang up. “He’s up to no good. I didn’t even tell him how long he had.”

“I’ll text him now so he doesn’t go overboard.”

He was Lewis, so he still did.

I had a full body scrub and soak before I quickly showered and had a trim. They did my nails and toes at the same time which they honestly needed, so that was nice. She did my hair and makeup right as Lewis showed up with my outfit and accessories. It was off the shoulder with lace and ruffles, but it was flattering with some wedge sandals and cute earrings.

I turned one way and then the other, giving Lewis a kiss on the cheek in thanks. Yeah, this worked for sure.

I paid, giving a fat tip for fitting me in at the last minute and stuffed everything else in the paper tote Lewis had brought with. It was a shop run by supes, so I went right through the portal to home… And took off my glamour.

If I was going to do this like my first time, I wanted to do it as the real me.

Maybe that was silly, but it made sense in my head.

I set the bag off to the side and smoothed down my hair before walking into the kitchen. I gasped as I saw flowers on the counter and table.

“Wow, Jasmine, you look amazing,” Mason said from my left.

“I wasn’t sure what to do, so I went to the spa,” I admitted, feeling stupid for saying it, but it was fairly obvious I was all done up.

“You are so damn adorable,” he chuckled as he moved closer. He tapped his thigh in that nervous way as he eyed me over like the best thing he’d ever seen. “Did you seriously go to the spa for a date with me?”

I nodded, gesturing to what I was wearing. “And Lewis went shopping for me.”