Page 74 of Brazen Indulgences

“Did I?” I chuckled darkly. “Who said it was illegal?” I leaned in like I was going to whisper a secret. “I also have diplomatic immunity. You understand how that works, yes?” I winked at him and leaned in the doorway. “Plus, it’s fuckinghystericalthat you’re lecturing me about anything illegal when your people are holding demons against their will and you won’t do anything about it.

“And unlike your bitch tiger, Matty, they didn’t do anything wrong, and they aren’t being turned over to ISLE. You allow abductions, rapes, and abuse of demons.” I shook my head when he growled. “Oh, kitten, you’re still a step behind and it’s cracking me up. I’m honestly enjoying it. You really are an embarrassment to tigers having nothing but fluff between your ears when I know lots of smart tigers.”

“You knew he was coming,” someone else said.

I glanced over and saw that lead guard that I’d fought against, giving him a wink. “Give the lad a cookie. Yes, we did, but I thought to corporate. I didn’t think he’d be able to explain coming to Jackson, Mississippi, but clearly he underestimated us and thought we’d admit this club had corruption.” I tilted my head and studied the head of the council. “What do you think we’re doing while you’re here talking to me?”

“Nothing, you’re all talk,” he growled.

“Oh, kitten, I’m a lot of things, but only talk is not one of them.” I frowned and slowly closed my mouth. “What is your name? Calling you ‘kitten’ isn’t as much fun when you’re this dumb. I feel bad for kittens.”

It was hard not to laugh at the rage in his eyes that I pretended not to know his name. I knew it was Graham. Of course, I did if I’d dug all into him. He just couldn’t tell because I was more powerful than him, but he was an idiot. That was what he was focused on.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Elijah, putting it on speaker.

“We’ve got them, Jasmine,” he greeted.

“And the tiger councilman’s son?” I asked, smirking at Graham.

“In custody along with several others. The piece of shit had four lust demons as his personal sex slaves plus others we found in the pack house. They had twenty demons that they barely let feed and had working security like damn dogs.”

“Well, if he’s anything like his pathetic father, no woman would touch him willingly,” I said brightly.

“Is he standing there, Jasmine?” Elijah groaned. “Tell me you aren’t poking him to—”

“I’ll be in corporate soon,” I sang as I hung up the phone, still smiling at Graham.

“You have lost what little mind you had,” he bit out. “And you will regret this.”

I took a long, slow breath as I eyed him over. “You came here to flex your muscles and try to use your position to get a petty win when you’ve been striking out. I’ve got your son and proof of his crimes. Which of us has the real power here? You’re so busy trying to take us down that you don’t even realize your house was being knocked out from under you.”

“Release him this moment,” he snarled.

I snorted. “Or what? What do you have to threaten me with?” I moved out of the doorway and walked right up to him. “You could hurt me? We both know you won’t win that fight. You’re going to come after me with your money? I have more. I have the German government backing me. You have… Not that, kitten. Hell, you don’t even have your members loyal to you since I learned about your son from them.”

That wasn’t actually true, but I didn’t smell of a lie to him, so he believed it which was so much better.

“Go try and pressure ISLE, but my money’s on Director Stevens. He wants access to our tech more than anything the tigers could give him.” I turned around—intentionally giving him my back to say he wasn’t a threat—and went inside, locking the door behind me.

I hoped whatever demon gave him access to a portal to get there so fast didn’t get him home. That would just make my day, but it was probably more likely that he would be at corporate raising a ruckus soon.

Demons needed to make money too, so I didn’t blame the ones who acted as a portal service for anyone who would pay. I really didn’t.

Hell, they should charge more because the gig could be dangerous with people wanting to keep the demon just for that access.

I headed to corporate and promised Elijah that everything was fine and I never even touched Graham. He could stew and bitch all he wanted, but we were in the right.

“Make sure he gets dropped a lot as you question him,” I told the demons holding Graham’s son.

“You’ll regret this, bitch,” the cat hissed at me.

“Your father just told me the same thing, but he was at least smart enough not to speak to me that way,” I said with a dark smile. “You’re lucky that we’re taking you to ISLE when we’re done because if I had my way, I’d feed from you the way you let those demons feed.”

He snorted. “Of course, a slut only thinks about sex. They wanted it. All they wanted was sex all of the time, and you’re going to threaten me with more sex?”

I sighed, doing my best to control my anger. “It’s a miracle you and your father have survived as long as you have with how stupid you both are.” I walked over to him and got in his face. “You were snatching young demons without any clue. That’s like smacking you around as a baby. If I feed from you, I could kill you, dipshit. So can ancients.” I nodded when he couldn’t hide his shock.

Why did these idiots not think demons were scary? I wasn’t sure if they were just that ignorant, self-inflated, or stupid.