Page 73 of Brazen Indulgences

Though they weren’t happy about it.

Yeah, like I gave a fuck given what they were doing and the fact we had to go get our damn people. It was really,reallyhard not to burn those places to the ground.

“I’m too old to have this little of control over my fire,” Ally grumbled as we met up after about twenty of the rescues. “I almost burnt that one down.”

I snorted, giving her a look that she wasn’t the only one. But we didn’t do it, and now we had more demons saved. That was progress.

That was some great fucking progress.


After a bit of back and forth on how to handle the Jackson club, we ended up deciding to close it for a few weeks with a lie of a gas leak. Cliché, but it worked, and we could handle the internal cleanup and questioning easier if the public didn’t think it was anything to do with the club.

All it took was a quick conversation with the fire chief and a large donation to their retirement fund and they were on board. From now until forever, there was a gas leak, and we were perfect corporate citizens who acted just as they should.

We’d already picked up a lot of the employees, but the fire department had called in others to spread the word that there was a problem and they needed all the different managers to handle things. Plus, employees to check their lockers and open them because they didn’t know what had caused the issue.

“You really can’t be that shocked, right?” I chuckled when Lisa came barging into the office and I was sitting there. I snorted when she was, her face damn comical even. “You said enough shit about me that I thought I should at least face you personally instead of keep playing Rae.”

“No, that’s not possible,” she argued.

I clucked my tongue as I stood. “You wear a magic charm to hide your desires and everyone’s around you to cheat and you think that’s the only thing out there?” I grabbed the steak knife off her desk I’d left there and cut the dampeners on my hand so the power Elijah had hidden returned to me in a rush.

Most would think it was stupid to share that secret with her… But she wasn’t going to be alive long enough to tell anyone.

Something she clearly knew from the way she jutted out her chin. “You’re an idiot to be smug when I’ve been pulling the wool over your eyes foryearsand fooling all of you corporate assholes.”

I bobbed my head as I set down the knife. “Yeah, you were finally useful, Lisa. You found a way to slither through our careful maze of success to fuck things up. But you make mistakes every time you turn around, so you shouldn’t be smug either. Seriously, you made so many misjudgments I’m honestly floored you got away with it for as long as you did. But you had to know it wouldn’t be forever.”

“Long enough to make a lot of money off of you,” she sneered.

I rolled my eyes. “You make over two hundred grand managing this club. You were already making bank. You were squashing the club’s growth and your chances at bonuses and promotions to steal from your own fucking dancers. You didnotcome out ahead. There are other low-income cities that we have clubs in and they still make good money. Better money than you did.

“You shot yourself in both feet to skim, and the best part? The absolute best fucking part of it all?” I smirked at her, almost giddy to tell her this part. “They fucking hate you. I heard security and dancers laugh at you. I watched chefs spit in your food. None of them were even your friends. They think you’re stupid trash and easy to manipulate and I have to agree with them.”

My hand shot out and hit her throat when she launched for me. She grabbed her neck and tried to gasp for air now that it was collapsed. I ignored her struggles and activated the portal, nodding for Kyle to take her when he came right through.

He took her out and several other people that we snuck into the office right under the eyes of the human EMS that were outside. We grabbed who else came in and got them to corporate while other teams rounded up everyone who worked for that club since there weren’t any humans that worked there.

That alone should have been a damn red flag, and I made sure to point that out for the future.

Once we had everyone, I went through with a few of my team and shut it all down like we would have had to if there had been a real gas leak. They would handle going through the motions of pretending contractors came out to fix the problem and everything. Right as we were going to head through the portal in the office, someone started banging on the front door loud enough that I heard it.

“Well, someone’s bold,” I chuckled darkly as I went to check who was so stupid. I opened the door and simply raised an eyebrow when I found a bunch of tiger shifters, one looking vaguely familiar. It didn’t click until he moved aside and I locked gazes with the head of the tiger council. “Awww, kitten, I don’t have time for you today.” I bounced my head around and smirked. “Or ever really.”

He didn’t react, but I could sense his desire to smack me.

The feeling was very,verymutual.

“You have illegally detained one of our tigers. I’m here to make sure she’s released immediately and—”

I chuckled darkly. “So now I can add fraud to the list of charges. Lovely.” I smiled brightly when he seemed confused. “She was in contact with you against the addendum. Clearly, she wasn’t going to follow it.” I snapped my fingers like something just hit me. “Right, I already knew that and was taking steps. There’s so much corruption with the councils it’s hard to keep it all straight.”

“She alerted her council that there was a troubling situation at her employment and thought she was going to be illegally taken,” he argued. “And obviously it was the wise decision and—”

“Just stop, kitten,” I sighed, rolling my eyes. “I have the fucking phone call. She didn’t alert the council. She calledyou. And none of this is illegal. It’s all in their contracts, and we’ve informed ISLE of the situation. Just stop. Stop trying to act like you’re the boss and you’re ahead of everything and awesome. None of that is true.”

“Well, I just got you to admit you’re illegally wire-tapping me,” he threw right back.