Page 69 of Brazen Indulgences

Natalia found me hysterical.

Orion didnot, but at least he kept his mouth shut and didn’t double down on his mistakes. That alone was fairly impressive.

Ally was coming off the elevator when we reached it. She took one look at us and went over to Orion, smacking him over and over again. “I told you not to be stupid with her. Itold youthere’s more to the story than we could tell you and to treat her like you would me. Did you learn nothing from me?”

“I thought it was a test that I did learn from you and wouldn’t take anything at face value,” he defended, blocking his body but not fighting back. “Plus, I never thought you’d work like this with a kid under a hundred. I wanted to make sure she wasn’t doing something to you.”

“Ugghhh fine, but enough with the stupid, O,” she groaned. “Jasmine’s been going through a really rough time and we’ve let her down. I have, okay? I called you because I need your help to shield her like I should have. You’re jealous that I adopted another lost puppy and might love her more. I love you both.”

He hugged her when she went to smack him again. “I’ll be good. I missed you too.”

She sighed again and hugged him back. “You’re such a dummy.”

“Seriously, is he your kid or something?” I blurted out, unable to like register what I was seeing. Ally was awesome and I’d known her a long time, but this was completely new for me.

“You’re out in the field too often,” Natalia chuckled. “We get to see this side of her now and again when someone she knows from way back blows through town.”

Fair enough.

Ally ended up sitting down with us for just a bit since she’d only been able to sneak away and gave Orion the outline of what was needed.

He was in as long as we gave him a new ID and handled some of the problems with his papers since he’d gone off the grid for too long. Yeah, that happened with the ancients more than was smart. They tended to duck out when things got complicated, and I understood that as someone who had the default setting to run.

However, too many of them had thought computers would be a fad they could just wait out. They’d called that one completely wrong, and when you lived thousands of years, a few decades was nothing. So some of them blinked and had no idea how to navigate the system and couldn’t risk starting a ton of shit.

I gave all the information to Tracey while they were still talking and promised it would be settled. Ally also promised that she’d have the meeting with Director Stevens and Orion since I needed to take a big step back from ISLE.

Right, I’d been saying that, but why were they going to that extreme now?

“Kiera didn’t tell you?” Natalia hedged.

“Tell me what?” I sighed.

“Dylan has come to the Berlin club several times since you broke up with him to try and talk her into helping him see you.”

I couldn’t get my mouth to work for a full minute. “He had all of the chances to talk to me and he didn’t take them because he had me. The moment I end it he’s burning every bridge he has to get access to me? How does that make any sense?”

Orion of all people snorted. “It doesn’t. The fucker is off his rocker.”

Yeah, that was what I was seriously starting to think too.


The next morning was the first Evan was coming into corporate to observe my new training with our security who worked at the clubs. I wanted him to get as much off of them as he could when they were focused on fighting and other things. It was something elves did exceedingly well.

Honestly, if I could get a few elves to spy on our clubs for corporate, it would be awesome. But that could risk Evan and Owen, and we didn’t have the connection to make it work. Elves were fairly reclusive since the downfall of their monarchs who were still in power. They were either in their kingdoms and no one was allowed in, or they risked living with humans and avoided supes like the twins had.

I waited until everyone that had been ordered to attend had checked in, giving a few shit looks for coming in right at the time or just before. A couple were smart and apologized with fairly valid reasons like one thought we were meeting in the lobby and going somewhere. Another had worked the night before because someone had gotten in a car accident and basically was on no sleep.

Yeah, the morning in Germany would wreck someone working nights in the US. I gave him a pass to attend another time and get some sleep. We had organized this, so it was people who hadn’t worked the night before or would switch to days here and there so Evan—or maybe Owen—could check them out.

But there were always a few assholes. Always those jerks no matter how good the majority or company. They gave me looks like they didn’t give a fuck if I was annoyed they were late and made it clear they would try to stick it to me.

Right, they were such badasses and so awesome that all they could come up with was coming three minutes late to required training? Not even ditch it because they’d get in real trouble, but just stroll in after we were supposed to start?

Fucking dipshits.

And one of them had signed the wrong name on the addendum that our employees wouldn’t talk to the councils. His desires that we didn’t call him on it were so loud that it was almost amusing.