Page 65 of Brazen Indulgences

“I think a big part of it is that we’re too split,” Arthur said, he and Ally calling in because they had to play human that day. “And honestly, corporate is too distracting from what we’re already handling. This isn’t thirty years ago when running a government was simpler. Now just handling the social media bullshit and always being on guard because everyone’s phone records anything we do is—”

“It’s all over the top,” Ally agreed. “I think Arthur and I should be strictly government and council. We have two dozen ancients we’ve called in favors from and are willing to help for at least the next few years as long as they’re not the face of the fight. Let them take over or however you think it’s best.”

They outlined some other things that were going on, and I nodded along it with as I took it all in, sharing glances with the other VPs there with me.

“I think Natalia, as the face of the company, should handle guest relation issues, training, and corporate events,” I decided after several minutes. “Have a director for each or whatever, but those—to me—are the correct grouping. Rita will have Heavenly Properties under her with Chun as the director. So she—”

“Should take over acquisitions and construction,” Rita cut in, gesturing between her and Elijah. “We agree.”

“Also, maintenance of the clubs and the structure. Checking out furniture and all of that,” I added, nodding when they did. “I’m going to be handling security going forward, but I want to have personnel under me as well.” I shook my head when they all started arguing. “I’m the only one who’s an actual dancer. I don’t mean this to be a shit, but it took me no time to figure out the club was all out of whack.”

“We’re trying to get more off your plate though,” Elijah sighed.

“I want it under me, but I think I want to promote Kiera to handle it, be a director under me.”

“There’s no one I would recommend more,” Natalia agreed. “But she loves managing the flagship club.”

“I don’t think that’s as true anymore,” I admitted. “I think she did it because she could do it best, but she will get run all over like Elijah was saying. If we can get an ancient to shield the manager of that club since it’s basically at corporate and people will be stupid there—we have a lot of talented managers. I think two full managers for Berlin even.”

“It is our biggest club,” Natalia agreed. “One of the ancients I called in a favor to does have experience running a place, but a popular bar back in the day.”

“Still, that’s a huge help,” I muttered.

“I think I should handle the inside of the clubs,” Joshua cut in. “The furniture, carpet—all of that upkeep. Rita will have enough with all those other properties, and I already handle the vendors.”

That was fair. And smart. I said as much.

“Which ancient demon am I getting to help with security?” I asked.

“We didn’t think you wanted—weren’t you promoting your own people?” Ally asked.

I realized the disconnect. “I want someone ancient to be a shield between me as Sloan and ISLE or the councils. They handle that part, and people won’t fuck with them the way they would little, female Sloan. Also, they won’t handle the tech or systems but our actual security guards at the clubs and corporate.”

“Oh, then I don’t have a problem with you taking over personnel,” Ally said firmly. “Yes, that works well, and I know exactly who should work with you. He’s way more patient than you but cuts through the bullshit. We approached him to join us originally, but he said he couldn’t ever play parent. Smacking people around is more his speed.”

I snorted. That was most demons but whatever. “Okay, let’s get a meeting set up with Kyle and me. I want it clear that we’re not promoting Kyle because of his age and would deal with him the same as I would. This guy shields us but understands Kyle needs to be our right hand.”

“He’ll like that even better. He’s not an eighty-hour work week kind of person,” Ally drawled.

“That might be the perfect person to deal with ISLE and the councils because to them it’s all their stuff and always an emergency then,” I admitted. “He could have the best grasp of all of us on what is actually an emergency.”

“Yes, that is one of his best qualities,” she promised.

Even better.

And his name was Orion. She told me she’d get it set up.

“Okay, let’s get something ready to announce the changes,” I told them. “Mason made a comment that I need a few of me to be switched out between the clubs and give us the dirt so we never, noteverfind ourselves in this situation again. And I agree.”

“That would be great, but not everyone can be a super spy like you, Jasmine,” Natalia told me. “I couldn’t do what you do. It’srareto be able to handle what you do. It’s why the world isn’t full of good spies.”

“Yes, we know I’m nuts,” I chuckled. “But going in like I have this time isn’t a big deal. I think it needs to be someone way more powerful than they would expect. So people willing to wear dampeners. The moment they wrote me off as like forty, they ignored me, and that’s an advantage.”

“Or someone we can add extras to with the help of your warlock,” Elijah muttered. “Or can work with the angels for inside information. They like the vibe of the clubs anyways. That was where you met David.”

Fair enough.

We left it at that, all of us glad we had so much settled and finalized after saying we were going to flip things on their head. After talking to Elijah on the side that he made it clear that I was done working with the vampire council and did more than we originally said so they should shove it, I headed home.