Page 63 of Brazen Indulgences

I reached over and rubbed her arm. “You’re more than my best friend. All the VPs agree you’re a rockstar and we haven’t been taking care of you the way we should. You dowaymore than other managers do. You’re constantly jumping in and giving your all. I’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner you needed a change.”

“I don’t think I knew,” she sighed, rubbing her forehead. “It’s always racing and running and crazy, but when we were at the place in Atlanta—the new home base—I realized that was more my vibe now.”

Melissa caught on to where my head was. “Well, you know it’s a lot more properties than we thought, but Jasmine also has a bunch of properties that she does nothing with.”

I nodded. “If we can find one you like, you can have it.” I sighed when they both blinked at me. “Kiera, I forgot I had them. I didn’t buy them, and you’ve saved my ass so many times and helped me out—I’m honestly a bit shocked I didn’t have a breakdown sooner now that I’ve talked with other demons. That’s because of you. You’ve been keeping me going for decades. Let me do this for you.”

“Depending on what you have,” she hedged before looking at Melissa. “Does she have any that aren’t like the thirty-five million dollar places she offered as that prize or whatever?”

Melissa nodded. “This is the one I love most. I would take this place in a heartbeat and I’ve been there a few times. It’s upstate Vermont right on the water and just—all I feel is peace when I’m there.”

Oh crap. I felt like I should apologize. I opened my mouth to do that, but she gave me a look not to bother.

“I couldn’t handle an eight thousand square foot house on my own. I also can’t afford five million dollars no matter how great my pay is.”

“Yeah, that’s out of my price range as well,” Kiera muttered. “And a bit bigger than I was thinking.” She took the laptop still and looked it over.

I was shocked to see how nice the place was. I didn’t even know that I had it. It was nicer than the villa we were in. Wow.

We went to go see it and Kiera fell in love. She was completely in love with the property… But she had the same concern as Melissa. It was too big for one person.

“Would you be willing to rent from me or work something out?” Kiera asked Melissa. She shrugged when I couldn’t hide my shock. “You have to be a cunt to not like Melissa. We’re both pretty quiet. I was actually thinking of asking Lewis since I know he wants to move too.”

“I wasn’t thinking of moving until everyone is saying we should group up,” Melissa admitted. “I was actually thinking of asking Mindy since we’re always working on stuff together and haven’t wanted to kill each other yet.”

That probably seemed harsh, but it wasn’t like they ever worked on anything calm. It was always something rushed or crazyorrushed and crazy.

“I like Mindy,” Kiera accepted. “Is she living with that partner we met today? He was nice, but I don’t know I want to jump into living with a couple.”

“No, and they won’t,” Melissa said quietly, clearly not wanting to betray a confidence. “She has issues from when she was held captive. She does get screaming nightmares. Rarely, but yeah.”

“So do I,” Kiera and I said at the same time. That was more than acceptable and something we completely understood.

“And I’m fine with Lewis,” Melissa agreed. “We might need an extrovert among three introverts.”

“The fridge would always have food with him around was where my mind was,” Kiera admitted. “That man likes to nest and get his nervous energy out. For real. I stress clean, but that man just needs order.”

“Like a pain in the ass?” she worried.

“No,” I answered firmly. “As long as you’re not rude, which none of you are. Like clean up after yourself. He has a problem with messes. It’s not like the cabinets will be arranged crazy or he’ll follow you around with coasters. It’s more if you leave wet clothes in the washer for two days and your shit leaks into his.”

“Yeah, more than fair,” Melissa accepted.

I was shocked when they called Mindy and Lewis and asked them to come by and see the place. They both loved it as well, wanting different rooms because of lighting and everything. They each had their own full bathroom even if it wasn’t directly attached to their room, and there were still two and a half more baths.

They wanted to make one room a home office since Melissa and Mindy could work from home a lot. Lewis could as well but preferred to be on top of things at corporate. Kiera agreed as long as there was a desk for her to use as well since she hated doing books and paperwork at the club where everyone found her.

“So we’ll just all pay you rent,” Melissa said to me, glancing at Kiera. “We’ll try this out and see. I don’t want to commit for too long since I haven’t roomed with anyone in forever, and I’d feel stuck if I was paying you rent and you needed it for the mortgage.”

She was nervous because she rambled that fast, and I could tell Mindy and Lewis felt the same. They all got along, liked each other, and worked well together.

That was still vastly different thanliving together.

“I’m fine with whatever you all want,” I told them. “I can’t survive without all of you most days, and Kiera is my best friend who explains to me what I feel. So yes, rent is fine—take out whatever updates you want.”

“It would be really nice to have a fireplace in my bedroom,” Lewis hedged. “This is Vermont after all. Winter is gonna becold.”

Yes, becauseGermanywas known for being so hot after all.