Page 58 of Brazen Indulgences


I did it and he moved behind me and pushed inside of me. He held my shins to his chest and thrust a bit too hard for me to keep my balance.

So he just picked me up instead. I held onto his legs as well and went along for the ride. He felt when I’d had enough and carefully moved my upper body to the sofa but kept holding my lower body up as he kept screwing my brains out.

There were several other yoga poses like that he wanted from his desires, but he didn’t, focused on what I wanted instead. He fucked me until I couldn’t anymore, his ancient strength and power finally doing me in.

In the best way, of course.

He gently showered me and told me to rest when my eyes were heavy. He woke me when we were done to say he had to get back and go to an event on his schedule, but he would have preferred to join me in bed and sleep.

And he wasn’t lying. He would much rather have held me and gotten snuggles than go be fabulous at some NYC event.

A man after my own heart.

I thanked him and promised I’d talk to him soon before he left. The twins made sure I ate some more and I fed from the angels, all of themsuperhappy to experience all of what I had.

I wanted more to eat and maybe spend more time with the twins, but working so much caught up with me and I zonked out.


I woke alone in the master bedroom in the villa, but the sheets next to me weren’t cold. Mason hadn’t been up long.

Had I not stayed over by the twins? Or they didn’t stay over?

I was in a nightgown, so I rolled out of bed, used the bathroom, and headed downstairs to get the answers.

“Did you have a fun time?” Mason greeted. His voice was fine, and if I didn’t know him well enough to recognize the tension in his shoulders, I wouldn’t have a clue that something is wrong.

I let out a slow breath and moved into his view, waiting until he looked at me. “I appreciate how much you hold back from me knowing that I’m struggling and need to figure out what I want more.” I waited until he nodded. “However, you know everything about me. You’ve seen me at my worst and I’m open to you. You need to try and open up to me more too.”

He flinched. “I don’t think that wise right now. I understand what you’re saying, but—”

“Now isexactlythe time,” I told him firmly, getting annoyed when he didn’t respond. “Fine, don’t bother asking me about last night then. If you’re going to lock yourself down from me when I can’t do the same, don’t bother.”

“My feelings aren’t fair,” he argued.

I stormed around the kitchen island and grabbed his arm so he faced me. “Have I been a bitch about that or understanding? You cheat sometimes when you hide this shit, Mason. Let mein. You have darkness. Stop trying to deny it and ignore it. That’s what builds it up into something so big. You have to deal with it too. Let me help you deal with it!”

He swallowed loudly and nodded, moving me up against the island and putting his hands on either side of me so I was blocked in by his body.

Then he stopped blocking his feelings.

His jealousy slammed into me. He wanted to know how many times I had their cocks in my mouth, and he wanted it more than they got. He wanted to do to me what they did. He wantedeverythingwith me—from me. Mason wanted to try everything he never had and make me addicted to him more than I already was. He wanted to be the best in my bed and give me what I wanted most.

There was so much to go through and absorb of what he was feeling. It took several minutes, but once I had a handle on it all, I simply brushed my lips over his.

“Tell me you want me to blow you, Mason. Say it,” I whispered, moving my hands to his hips. “Accept you want it and ask me to give it to you. Stop fighting it.” I massaged his hips when he didn’t say anything. “You’re not going to turn into a monster because I suck your…” I blinked at him as I felt why his desire was so deep. “Never?”

He swallowed loudly. “No, I’ve never received oral sex. I worried I couldn’t control that part of me if I ever experienced it.” His eyes went wide at what he sensed from me.

I chuckled. “Yeah, you think you’re bad and you’ve got darkness in you? I’m itching to demand your first blow job or throw a fit and tell you to get out.” I leaned in and ran my tongue over his lower lips. “But I won’t. The darkness is in all of us, Mason. They’re just thoughts or crazy that take up space in your brain rent-free.” I flicked his earlobe with my tongue. “Give me your first. I want it.”

“Yeah, you really fucking do,” he panted, not hiding his shock.

“I’ve given you firsts too. You know how much that means. If you weren’t ready, I would never press you, but you aredyingfor this.” I nipped his ear this time as I ran my nails over his abs. “Trust me. Trust me to give you exactly what you need as I’ve trusted you.”

He shivered. “Suck me off, Jasmine.”