Page 49 of Brazen Indulgences

We sent out all of the invites, and councils signed up immediately. There was one I sent out first before the others so they got an advantage to sign up right away because I still had an axe to grind.

I glanced around and locked gazes with the head of the tiger council, knowing the self-important asshole wouldn’t miss the chance to be seen when he thought his people would win. “Did someone strip-search the kitten? I don’t want to get a knife thrown at me by a coward when I’m fighting again. Since apparently, he’s too good to get his pretty nails dirty.”

It was hard not to laugh how easily he got super pissed.

Oh, but I wasn’t done yet.

I looked over at Gavin. “At least I come at people head-on when I use violence. People start it with me and I respond. I’veneverthrown a knife at someone’s back, so I don’t think I’m the one we should worry about here.”

“You also like to overreact as you obviously caught it and handled it,” the tiger bit out.

I smirked at him. “Yes, but you didn’tknowthat I could. You didn’t care that I could. You did what you wanted, kitten. So I’m not taking shit aboutmyimpulse control or behavior when you’re still defending throwing a knife at someone’s back.”

“Let’s get started or we’ll be here all day,” Natalia interjected. She moved people back and had some of our guards blocking them to make sure no one tried to pull anything. There was a large roped off area in the warehouse we were doing this in as our fighting ring.

And it needed to be large since I was taking on teams of the councils’ guards with this fun.

I smiled at the tiger who came in first, his desires loud and strong. He didn’t want to be there. He was annoyed he was being pulled into this, and he just wanted it over with no matter the outcome so it was just done. “Interested in a job?”

“I’m sorry, Councilwoman?” he asked, doing a double take as the room went dead quiet with shock.

“We’re expanding and we could use good people. Do you get four weeks paid vacation? We offer that to start. Plus, we pay more than you guys get. We checked. There’s also a relocation program to help you get settled in Germany if you want where the schools are fantastic for kids and no Alpha’s to deal with or—”

“You’rerecruiting?” someone bellowed, finally snapping out of their surprise.

I glanced around and gave my best innocent look. “Oh,nowthat’s a problem? There are dozens of you here that came to try and ‘recruit’ Sloan, and we all know it wasn’t with a good employee benefits package. I thought it was completely on the table since you’re so ready to do it to us, right?”

I snorted at what I got from them, glancing around and locking gazes with Bain’s mom, Councilwoman Watson. She dipped her head to me and I responded in kind.

“For the record, you are theonlywolf council member here that doesn’t have her phone number. They all called in favors to the vampire council they knew, and a few have plans to abduct one of my right hands.” I shot a look to the head of the tiger council, letting him know that I knew he had the same shit plan before focusing back on her. “So that’s who your members are.”

“That’s rather disturbing and to a level I wouldn’t have expected,” she admitted. “And embarrassing that I’m associated with them in any way if I’m honest. I knew one planned to talk to her, but I thought it rather crass when we were invited for some fun. But I was also overruled that we should have a team compete.”

Because she knew it was a trap. Smart woman. I would bet anything she was wise enough to know to leave her cell phone and any devices at home.

Yeah, she seemed the type to learn from the mistakes of others or have enough information to know what’s what. Or at least have some sort of encrypted phone with normal Wi-Fi turned off.

I had a dozen people roaming around with remote access terminals, or RATs, getting whatever I could. But apparently, now some called the remote access Trojans. That wasn’t really the same if you were simply gathering information… However some of the devices were dropping worms for me to have access later, so it was a bit of both.

I preferred to have my bases covered like that.

I turned back to the tiger. “So like I was saying, four weeks paid vacation, and we normally start our security at six figures depending on what job they’re qualified for. No Alpha’s to pay tithes to or answer to. Supe citizens in Germany are simply like other citizens, and we have certain rules working for us because we’re also the council, but I doubt we’re stricter than what you’re used to.”

“That’s how you did it,” the head of the tiger council cut in. “That’s how you were able to form because Germany was completely stripped of supes after World War II.”

I blinked at the guy before slowly turning to his big boss. “Youjustfigured that out, kitten? Seriously?” I glanced over at Natalia. “Were people still not caught up on that? Are they really that—”

“Please just fight, Jasmine,” she begged, pinching the bridge of her nose and trying to hide she was laughing. “I beg you.”

“I bet you burn more calories laughing around me than during your actual gym time,” I teased, pumping my fist when that did it and she broke.

And so did a few other demons, Elijah, Rita, and Joshua simply shaking their heads at my antics.

There wereseveraldesires to take me out suddenly for making people feel stupid. They wanted my address and to handle me now that they were really getting that I was a threat and not just a young idiot they could take advantage of in some way.

Nice of them to finally catch up.Butit gave me an idea to set up a fake residence for them to “find” as a trap.

“We’ll talk interview soon,” I told the tiger I was about to fight. “Any other takers?” I snickered when the answer was all of them. I had one last thing to say, looking up at the tiger councilman. “You look so far down on us, me especially, for being so young and pointing out your faults. You’re so much more sophisticated, and it’s anhonorfor them to work for you.