Page 48 of Brazen Indulgences

“Peoplereallyshouldn’t piss me off,” I answered with a dark chuckle.

Elijah simply sighed.

But he didn’t disagree.


“Where is Sloan?” a vampire councilman demanded as he stormed over to me Saturday morning. “I don’t see her here and I told her to be here!”

My hand shot out before anyone could blink or think to stop me. I grabbed the guy around the throat and launched him across the room, chuckling when his body dented the concrete. “Gavin, I suggest you handle your people or you will have less of them.” I turned and smiled brightly at him. “And if you tell me you wouldn’t have flattened someone who spoke to you like that from another council, I’ll laugh.”

He ground his jaw but kept his face pleasant. “I might not have resorted to that but yes, I don’t tolerate people making demands of me.”

“It’s not a reflection onmethat we’ve reached this level,” I purred as I went over to the councilman coughing up blood. “I’ve used my wordslotsthat people need to stop being stupid and cut the shit.” I kicked the face of the vampire, knocking him out. “Unfortunately, people only seem to listen when I do this because I’m younger than all of you, a woman, and just a demon.”

“I understand,” Gavin accepted.

“Good, because the next time he orders one ofmy peopleto do anything, it will be the last time he has a mouth to order anything or anyone,” I warned him, looking around the room filling up before meeting Gavin’s gaze. “And this insanity that some are spreading that we’re under the vampire council, or beholden to you in some way,ends today, or I will give proof of the real situation. As you would to protect yours.”

“Again, I understand.” He didn’t like it, but the man believed me.

Which was why threats given in person were always so much more effective.

“We were told Sloan Chen was going to be here today and available to us,” a different councilman said.

“And he gave them her full name,” I bit out before lifting my foot over the councilman’s head.

“Jasmine,” Elijah growled.

Fine, I brought my foot down on the man’s leg. It shattered, but he would heal. I met the gaze of the councilman who opened his mouth. “The vampires have no oversight on us any more than they do you, idiot. If you were a fool to believe someone running their mouth about what they could make happen without checking yourself with the right people, that’s on you.”

Rage filled me when I felt the desires of several people that they already had Sloan’s number now that I was going to be so damnunreasonable.

“He gave out her number to people,” I told Gavin. “Like she’s his pet. How about I tell someone you know well that?” I smirked when Gavin flinched.

Yeah, Aidan was going to have a field day with this shit. He wasn’t there because he was only a junior councilman, and it worked well for the vampires that most didn’t know he was one. So any public council gathering like this he wasn’t included in.

I was glad right then too because he was honestly a liability and kept me from acting how I should.

“I now have Sloan’s phone and she has a new number,” I told people loudly. “And if you call the number, you will get me demanding why the fuck you have it and how you got it. Once I come find you and pop you for believing such nonsense that one councilman was in charge of us.” I glanced around and nodded to Natalia to get us started.

She was the public face of the company and honestly the one who had been most on board with my idea.

When I’d talked to Melissa, I’d told her to arrange a crazy rumble of sorts with five of my personal properties as the prizes. There were a few catches because I was actually pretty damn good at my job and smart.

First, the team had to have at least fifteen guards of the same council to enter. More were allowed, no maximum, but all registered guards, and they had to prove it… Which gave us the list of names of their fucking guards, so they were stupid as shit if they did it.

But they did. Of course, they did. For prizes so good and a chance to get access to us when we were blowing them off?

We had a mad dash of councils signing up their own guards to do this.


Second, the prizes were going to be awarded by first in first out. So whoever fought me first and won got the best property that was actually worth about thirty-five million. That greed overruled their common sense.

Then again, people with too much power seemed to lose their common sense pretty damn fast.

And lastly, at least half of their council members had to show up and watch the fight if their guards were entering so there was no bullshit later that it was rigged or it wouldn’t have been that way if they were all there. No crap. I was doing this to stop a lot of the crap and rumors we already had with the vampires.