Page 41 of Brazen Indulgences

“What did he mean by that?” Aidan muttered as Kyle stormed off.

That shocked me, and it took me a moment to get my mouth to work. “It’s not a rule ofdemonsthat we stay hidden from humans. It’s all other supes that have rules and laws about it. All the other councils have declared that humans can’t know about demons because it’s safer fortheir people. Which makes it a bitch for us to survive. And easier for all the other species to do shit to us. Capture us. Subjugate us.”

He blinked at me a moment and then let out a slow breath. “I never once understood that the law we have handicaps you and leaves you vulnerable. It’s written that there will be huge punishments for any who let out secrets.”

“Right, but by your own laws, it’s written as secrets that will hurtvampires. You guys like us not organizing. It’s made you have to behave more. Not have as many of us as pets,” I reminded him. “You guys would all be lumped in with us, or supes couldn’t be seen in the light they are if demons were part of the package.”

“It’s also one of the main things that has kept us from being able to organize,” Joshua said from behind me, his energy dripping all over me. “Elijah is less than thrilled, Jasmine.”

“He’s not the boss of me,” I mumbled as I turned to face him, wincing at the deep frown he was wearing. “It’s under my purview.”

“Mm-hm,” he grunted. “Ally has some choice words for you. Expect a spanking.”

“Technically, I did this all on my own, and the guy’s wife signed it to me, so the company isn’t liable,” I offered. “And some of the other properties we’ll be selling for her and the kids to have money.”

“Yes, and protection in Germany from what I’ve heard,” he chuckled darkly.

“Do you want to see the pictures of the scores of kids we saved?” I threw right back.

Instead of helping, anger filled his eyes, and he grabbed me by the front of my clothes and lifted me up over head. “And if youdie, who will save the next of them, Jasmine? If youbreak, what of the rest of us? If any part of this council or company breaks now, we are lost. All is lost.”

“I don’t believe that for a second,” I whispered, shaking as his power leaked all over me. “You guys wouldn’t just let everyone else go back to being easy pickings and all alone.”

He bared his teeth to me and slammed me up against the wall. “No more going rogue, Jasmine. Not anymore now that we’re out. We said we’re a team. So it’s time to be a fucking team,child. If Elijah’s love won’t get you to agree, then by god, I will beat that into your thick skull.”

Except we both knew he couldn’t, and he was pushing too hard on me that I wanted to fight back.

“A relay race is a team too,” I bit out. “I’m passing the baton to you next or whoever else can take it. Too often you guys say ‘team’ but make it clear I should ask forpermissionbecause I’m the youngest. When have you ever asked me like that or checked your plans with me?”

He let out a slow breath and then suddenly was hugging me. “You fool. You stupid, child. No one is saying you have to ask us. Just tell us so you aren’t always the main target when you do these crazy things. We would not survive if we lost you.”

I simply kissed his cheek.

I hugged him back because I loved him too, kissed his cheek, and handed the baton over to him. That was always how things worked with this crazy dynamic we had.


“I put you on the schedule for tomorrow,” Lisa told me. “There’s a big party that we’re adding last-minute. It should be good money for everyone, so you’re lucky I’m including you.”

“I can’t.” That was all I said because there was so much wrong with what she said that it annoyed me after an already rough day, so I was worried what else might come out of my mouth.

“That’s not good enough. You’re coming in and—”

“I’m unavailable,” I cut in, looking at her. “It’s something I can’t bail on or reschedule.”

“What is it?” she demanded.

“That’s not your business,” I answered. I sighed when she opened her mouth. “You’re manager here, not the boss of my life. I don’t ask you what you do on your days off because we’re not friends. If I could move it around to help out, I would, but I can’t blow this off.”

She realized she’d played this wrong with me and tried again. “Look, it’s a bunch of out-of-town executives for the energy company that’s big here. They’ve made some global deal or something and they want to celebrate here with these contractors or whomever. It’s a good thing for the club and all the girls who work here. You’re going to upset people if you can’t be flexible—”

“I’m very flexible with notice, but Ican’tthis time,” I told her firmly lowering my voice. “If you had told me yesterday, I could have changed things, but I confirmed the appointment, and I’m not fucking with my papers for any damn job. You get me?”

“Yeah, but I might know how to get you what you need and still come in,” she muttered.

I gave her the look she deserved. Only anidiotwould blow off what they knew for a “might” and from someone who hadn’t shown to be trustworthy at all. “I’ll pass and go with my guy. You’ll have to ask someone else.” I finished with my costume and left before she could say anything else.

“Stupid fucking bitch,” she said when she thought I was far enough away. “You’ll regret this.”