Page 38 of Brazen Indulgences

Her eyes flashed shock… And a good deal of anger which surprised me. But then I realized she was so used to corruption and bad guys, she thought I was doing the same.

“You misunderstand,” I said gently. “I’m doing this to protect you. I have diplomatic immunity. You turn them over to me and those governments can’t just seize them which they will want to. Badly and have grounds to since he will be dead and you’re just…”

She rattled off in Portuguese that she understood. She was an uneducated woman from a poor family. She was no threat, and that was how she’d ended up in this mess.

“My people will put in the work, but I have to pay them too. Eighty percent is fair. Especially when we’re going to do a lot on the other end to protect you. You’ll have to change names, but we’ll have clean people to guard you and help you get acclimated. That costs money that isn’t approved in the public funding for the German government.”

She nodded. “I understand. I ask for additional thing.” She waited until I nodded this time. “Make bitch pay. She hurts my children.”

I smirked at her. “Oh, she’s going to be arrested for his death. I promise. She’s not getting off or out of this shit. She’s not the victim in this like you are.”

She was in. Fully in and signed the agreement without even reading it.

Unfortunately, that made her a bit too naïve, and I was glad I was the “good” guy in all of this. I didn’t think I could be theactualgood guy when I was letting a murder take place, but… That fucker deserved way worse than the slow poisoning he’d been getting.

And just for what he’d done to his poor wife. She’d been sixteen when he’d abducted her and taken her as a slave really.

He hadn’t been that young.

No, he’d been in hisforties. Gross. That just made it all so much worse. So now that he was in his sixties, his young mistress was trying to be all slick.

As I’d said, Melissa had done a good job hunting. Sometimes the people who handled the numbers and logistics found out the best way to get the dirt and know who the scum were. That was how she’d somehow learned that the will was changed and the mistress would get it all. Something had been filed through a public record… Something and she’d pulled that thread to find it all ready to unravel.

Mostly because we hunted assholes like this who abused people and treated them like property. But also because of the timing and what we needed.

The compound in Spain wasn’t even something people knew about and it was absolutely insane. It was a hundred thousand acres out in the middle of nowhere, and the guy had to have been some kind of fan of Ancient Greece or something because the compound was… Like nothing I’d ever seen. Even the twins thought it was insane when I’d shown them pictures at breakfast.

And they’d seen a lot.

It was based off some designs of palace compounds or something,butthe main structure was a replica of the Biltmore Estatewith additions. Yeah, the hundred-and-seven-five thousand square-foot house wasn’tenoughfor the guy, so he added on two huge wings.

Of course, he did. And French-style architecture at a Spanish compound was… How did no one know about this? Seriously, how many hands had this guy greased?

Plus, he had a large residence for all of his guards. There were also guest villas—two dozen of them grouped together on a man-made lake. Then there were family residences that… I had no idea. His kids were going to live in after they grew up? In-laws after he abducted brides for his sons?

There were also a dozen guard houses built around the expansive lands and a few facilities for keeping the children they were trafficking.

Crazy didn’t begin to cover it all.

I warned her that we were going to move fast so to make sure she was at the same location as her kids and always with the papers she needed… Which she looked at me like I was a moron. Of course, she didn’t have access to anything like that.

Right, my bad. Controlling assholes didn’t give up control ever.

So the plan was changed. Once it was done, we’d handle the people at her location and get a few trucks. She understood that it was anything she could take in under thirty minutes and onto a private jet with her kids. We could get her all the papers later once they were safely in Germany.

It wasn’t like we had to worry about the government or anything.

Aidan was at home base when I arrived to hand off what I needed to and update Kyle on his part.

“He’s here because of an issue in New York City with some demons and thought we’d want to handle it quietly,” Kyle explained.

I nodded. “He’s welcome here and behaves well. It’s Dylan and Bain that need to be shown the door. Bain hasn’t done anything wrong, but we haven’t heard from him since the shit went down with his mom and council. So we’re not letting him in.” I went over to Aidan and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“You smell ready for battle and a bit of relief,” he muttered.

“Part one is done, but honestly that was the easiest part,” I told him. “And it’s a quick job that’s off the books even for us.” I shrugged when Kyle snorted. “The opportunity and timing were great, but I’ve got to be in my cover working in six hours.”

Aidan glanced at his watch. “I have a few hours I can spare if I can help?”