Page 35 of Brazen Indulgences

He reached over and rubbed my shoulder. “I actually like taking care of you. I just didn’t understand Lewis’s tone. I do now and it’s fine. It would beniceto get something stable and regular set up. You do need more help and someone to manage more. Let me. I get spoiled with it too.”

I nodded and then spilled the beans. All of them. I told them which made the best breakfast just for me when the kitchen was getting slow before they cleaned up for the night. I was all over the world on assignments, so a lot of times I was waking up when other clubs were shutting down.

I told them which buffets were the best and my favorite meals to get. I actually sent Mason everything I had bookmarked on my Jasmine phone including the calendars for specials and such. It made me realize something as I pulled up the Jackson, MS club that I was investigating.

They had nothing. There were none of the special nights and extras… Which we didn’t allow. How had that fallen through the cracks?

I texted Rita and she admitted it was her oversight. She listened to a manager who had a lot of years with us that it didn’t play well in that area instead of calling it a red flag. She was talking with her people and now was going to have a director specifically for special events at clubs and to get more eyes in there so nothing like this happened again.

Fair enough. We did have a lot of clubs and we couldn’t keep them all under a microscope and do what we did.

Elijah was right and this reorganizing was way overdue for sure.

As long as we were taking steps now.

“Jasmine?” Evan said, giving me a worried look when I glanced at him.

“Sorry, what?”

“You were just in your head a bit dark, love,” he muttered, studying me closely.

I sighed. “Nothing bad, just annoyed there’s so much to fix instead of…” I shrugged. The ancients were right that I couldn’t keep taking it on myself because I was the big boss. I’d had a lot of talented help.

But we weren’t simply a huge company. We were so much more and had done something no one had ever managed to pull off. We were going to make mistakes. We’d made less than others to get this far and now we were quick to fix them.

They all were really excited to try the Chinese fusion buffet one of the clubs was having. I made the call since they were on the tail end of the time, making it clear that we always handled it that way. It was something they could easily add on or do at the start of the food so it wasn’t during the rush times. And I mostly picked what they had excess of.

“So appreciate the spoiling, but don’t be a pain in the ass,” Mason muttered, all three of them nodding.

“Unless it’s an emergency like what happened with the angels,” I admitted. “When I get like that… You saw how I was panicking. I get so in my head that it’s hard for me to focus. They have to feed me what I like and right then.” I shrugged.

“Dylan is texting me that he wants to come here,” Mason muttered. “ISLE has more baddies that they can’t track down and they want you to. Elijah said it’s your call and we had enough on our plates.”

“We do. I’m sorry, but we do, and I don’t want him here.” I cleared my throat. “Sorry, it’s your place but—”

“I don’t want him here either,” Mason said firmly. “And it doesn’t have to be him. We should be building a relationship with the tech guys. If they can’t find someone or there’s a problem that they’re stuck on—that’s the time to get us. I get they want to solve these cold cases, but they also want the win for the new director.”

I sighed, understanding the politics of it. “We need a shield. I can’t have Lewis shield this one. This is too volatile for him. That’s my answer to Elijah. If he has another ancient demon he trusts, that’s who needs to be the shield for these programs and what we’re doing. They can meet with whomever and read the room and people. The more meetings I have—”

“The less time you’re doing what you need to do and only you can do it,” Evan agreed. “They want the win of acting like you’re theirs and they have direct access to you being their pet. I don’t like the way a lot of people are phrasing too much of this. We’ve been hearing whispers and rumbles all over. Fuck, even from elves, and we are not tapped in there for obvious reasons.”

I texted the VP group chat with the decision and they seemed to agree that it was getting out of hand.

But how to handle it before it did get out of hand and we were the bad guys?

Well, more than we were always blamed for being or for organizing.

Yes, we were the bad guys for forming a council and protecting our own. The hypocrisy that it came from most other councils wasn’t even amusing.

It was disgusting.

I had an idea and talked to Melissa while the others got dinner handled. She loved it and promised to handle it and even the shit the other VPs would give me.

Yeah, they would.

Oh well.

Dinner was amazing, and then we went to the angels so I could feed but also so they could meet Mudbug. Owen and I slipped away so we could have some alone time. He read his book and I looked over what Melissa gave me.