Page 31 of Brazen Indulgences

“Yeah, that’s how it goes with dogs,” Kyle drawled.

“It worked with you when you were a pup,” Elijah threw right back.

Oh dayumn.

He handed the puppy over to Owen and gave me a look. “Melissa needs to speak with you. She’s specifically who Lewis was saying to transfer over to Chun’s new division, but she won’t even consider it without talking with you.”

“I love a loyal one,” I chuckled. “Yeah, she deserves the promotion and whatever. I’ll bloody Chun if he’s not good to my people.”

“He will be, but the rush is he needs her now.” He sighed when I simply raised an eyebrow. “We’re up to four thousand properties.”

I ignored when Dylan coughed, knowing what that meant for more than corporate. “How?”

“How did we let so many slip through the cracks? You know how. We’re all too overloaded,” he grumbled.

“Actually, I meant how did we get that many,” I replied with the same tone. “Are we really sure that—”

“Yes. A big problem was that the legal department didn’t know the full list of assets for the ‘as is’ sales until after someone was already in prison or the audits were done. Then they were put on a spreadsheet and information was stacked somewhere—we know how they slipped through.”

He flicked my forehead when I opened my mouth to ask more questions, amused when I rubbed it even though it didn’t hurt. “Ouch.”

“And the ‘how’ is that you’reexcellentat your damn job. Every club we opened wasn’t only one club taken over. There were some clubs you went in and shut down and we didn’t open one.”

Yeah, that was true, and I nodded.

“That last case in Canada turned out ten places, right?” Kyle added.

“Really?” I asked, not able to hide my shock.

“Yup, that one owner had two apartment buildings he was landlord of that are shitholes, but that’s land. His house and two vacation homes. The other owners you took over had more than one too.”

“That’s surprising,” I admitted.

“Yeah, but I’m used to people shocking me,” Kyle chuckled. “How many places do you own?”

I opened my mouth but then slowly closed it before ticking off fingers as I thought of them. I went through both hands before I was back on the left hand again and got stuck. “I don’t know. Lewis is the adult of my life. I’ve gotten a fair few from side shit I handled quick without a safety net that was too tricky. A few I think he sold though.”

“That condo in New York overlooking Central Park,” he told me… Which was hysterical that he told me when it was my stuff. “That place went for fifty-five million.”

Director Stevens whistled and Owen made a noise behind me.

And I was about to make it worse. “I have no idea, Kyle. I don’t have the time to get into it.”

“I think I’d make the time to get into something worth fifty-five million dollars, love,” Owen said quietly.

I gave him an amused look. “Oh, should I have done that instead of finding out France was spying on ISLE? Or handle those ancient demons who tried to take over the club? Or handled everything with the vampire council so we could get the help getting… How many demons have we gotten out of covens now?”

“Two hundred and thirty,” Elijah said, looking as tired as I felt.

I nodded and focused back on Owen. “So what part would you like me to give up to focus on that condo I—I honestly don’t remember how I got that one even. While you’re telling me to rest more and want me to take a night to watch TV and now play with a puppy so I don’t have another—” I blinked at him when he moved his hand over my mouth but then flinched, remembering who was in the room.

Right, Dylan was there.

“Another what?” Dylan asked darkly.

“You were to be mute or I squashed you,” Elijah warned.

I stared in Owen’s worried eyes and thoughtfuck it. I moved his hand off my mouth. “It was my mistake and he’s not acting rationally. I don’t want him in your club harassing you both or risking your delicate cover because of me.”