Page 20 of Brazen Indulgences

He nodded and hurried to tuck the card in his jacket pocket. “Yeah, I hear that. I’ll pass it along for sure.”

“That probably won’t be the permanent number. We weren’t ready to come out yet and don’t have it all in place. If there’s any confusion, just tell people to call Heavenly Entertainment corporate. They’ll get the right people if they call the main number.”

“I’ll tell people, Councilwoman. I’ll tell everyone. Thanks. Really.”

I winked at him and stood, glancing around to see who the person with ISLE was that I needed to talk to… And that was when I locked gazes with Director Stevens who had been watching the whole interaction with interest.

It was weird that he was there, but I was glad that I could maybe kill two birds with two stones and get back to finishing what I needed to for the vampires so I was finally done with that drama.

“Dylan threatened to kill me if I touched you after you broke his heart overtextand said you were going to have revenge sex with me,” he announced loudly in front ofeveryonethere.

I stumbled in approaching him, actually taking a step back in shock. Then I waspissedhe was bringing up personal shit. “Does no one in ISLE seriously know how to keep professional? Are none of you able to behave yourselves fitting the situation?” I gestured to what was going on around us.

He adjusted his neck and opened his mouth, but I wasn’t done yet.

“Clearly not, so I’ll add asking us to train you on how to act professional to the list of things you’re begging from us including like our tech,” I seethed, feeling better when he flinched. “The last time I saw ISLE, Deputy Director Hammond called me aliarin front of his people and mine and I’m still waiting for that apology.” I nodded when Stevens frowned.

“I don’t know about this,” he admitted.

“Shocking,” I drawled. “And yet you felt it your place to make a scene about what happened?” What he’d originally said hit me though and I frowned. “And that’s not even what I said after he called me a liar and his desires were that he didn’t pick someone as immoral as me.” I waved off whatever he was going to say and moved closer, glancing at the other ISLE agents there. “I guess maybe I sort of did.

“Or he could have taken it that way. I’m not sure. I was angry and hurt, so I lashed out. Which is why I did apologize and explained that before I ended things. Either way, that is between the two of us and not fuel for public spectacle, so I would appreciate you leading by example and keeping personal out of work. If you would like a conversation about what happened ashis friend, we can have that later.”

He glanced around before glaring at me like he was pissed I was calling him out in front of everyone. Was he kidding me? I hadn’t started this.

I gasped as his desires hit me, not able to control my reaction in time. “Though it’s not a conversation we can have alone, so I’ll have to see if someone can block me from feeling how much you want tohit mefor hurting Dylan. Right, of course, it’s the lust demon’s fault. I would have thought the director of ISLE was smarter than ever jumping to conclusions like that.”

He flinched. “What does that mean?”

Now I wanted to smack him. “Did you stop to ask what Dylan did that made me break up with him?” My heart hurt when he simply stared at me. “Seriously? I know he’s your friend, but you have spent time with me. Do you think this was what I wanted?” I shut my mouth when my voice cracked, hating that it did in front of so many others.

I turned on my heel to leave, warning him over my shoulder to handle the situation professionally instead of letting his bad judgment cloud something else or he’d piss me off.

He gave chase though and reached the spot where I had used a hidden portal before I could activate it. “Yeah, we need that conversation.”

I glanced at him and let him see how upset I was. “This was part of the problem. I don’t answer to you. Either of you. Fucking ask for things or try to not just walk all over me.” I turned away when tears burned in my eyes and activated the portal, hating that I would still give him what he wanted.

Mason was in the kitchen when I walked into the house and relief filled me as I headed towards him… Until horror filled me.

“I’m so sorry,” I rasped. “We were hiding you. I messed up.”

“It’s okay,” he whispered, hurrying over to me. “It’s okay, Jasmine. Whatever is…” He hugged me to him and kissed my hair. “Why are you bothering with him? You don’t owe him answers.”

“I can’t let this risk our fragile relationship with ISLE,” I worried, annoyed I was shaking. “We barely have one. We broke ISLE according to a lot of people who don’t want us to gather. Now they keep starting shit with us when they see us professionally. He blasted me about Dylan when I went to handle something as a councilwoman. He wants to hit me.”

“Jasmine, please, breathe,” he said loudly, making me realize it wasn’t the first time.

I blinked at him and we were kneeling on the kitchen floor, his hands holding my arms firmly like he’d been shaking me a bit. I nodded I was with him.

“Deep breaths in and out, okay? Slow and we’ll handle it. We’ll fix this if it means Elijah puts Dylan in the ocean.”

“I don’t want that,” I choked out. “I just don’t want to be with him. I can’t keep—I didn’t say I wanted revenge sex with his boss. Everything gets so twisted and it’s always my fault. I was upset he didn’t bother to make effort, just trying to catch me like it was simple and he hurt me. He really hurt me.”

“I know he did. I know. We all know how badly it hurt you,” he whispered.

“And then he said I was a liar in front of everyone. I didn’t lie. He didn’t want someone without morals like me. I got pissed. I said if he’s always working, was his boss too? I didn’t mean—I mean, yeah, I was—I was angry, and I don’t even know what I meant. I wanted him to hurt too. I didn’t say I was getting revenge sex to break up with him.”

“I know. We all know that, Jasmine. Dylan hears what he wants. He’s wrong here, not you.”