Page 11 of Brazen Indulgences

“We always do,” I drawled.

“Yes, well, we started to have the first demons released from vampire covens. No one wanted to go first or admit to anything, but Gavin actually stepped up after what happened with Sloan. He went right to a coven that he knew had a few demons and asked if they were going to hand them over and accept punishment or death.”

“Good. Glad he keeps his word on something,” I mumbled. “So we need places for them?”

“Yes, and we might need a lot, plus people to watch them which we didn’t figure in but yeah, people get messed up in captivity.”

“Right.” I sighed when I felt her worry beating on me. “Someone doesn’t want to leave.”

“That’s what they’re saying. That she’s there of her own free will and who are we to order our people around like slaves,” she bit out.

“I expected this,” I chuckled darkly, nodding when she couldn’t hide her shock. “I went over with…” I blew out a harsh breath. “I can’t actually remember. I thought Elijah, but it might have been the angels. I wanted the legal aspect.” I waved her off when she opened her mouth to ask. “We’re not forcing anyone to leave, we’re simply doing a welfare check then.”

“Smart,” Mason praised.

“Like police do if they receive a report someone is not answering their phone or there’s shouting in the house?” Rita checked, nodding when I did. “Well, Gavin and a few other council members want to discuss it. It’s also a tricky situation for them.”

“It always is,” I sighed. “Give me two minutes to change and I’ll meet you at corporate. We’re having them come onto our turf from now on after they misbehaved, right?”

“Yes, and they’re being rather gracious about it since we’re picking them up via portals.”

I snorted. “Yeah, they’ll turn that around to basically say we’re their cab drivers next time they get the chance.” I simply shrugged. There was no real winning in life.

Just trying not to lose as much as possible.

We arrived at corporate to find it was five vampire councilmen waiting with Elijah, Natalia, and Joshua.

“Sorry to be the last to the pissing match that’s apparently about to happen, but let’s take this to the conference room so we don’t scare the kids, shall we?” I said sweetly.

“Brat,” Elijah sighed, looking like he might strangle me and amused. “Our conference room is set up with maps. Now that the first chip fell, we figured it was the best way to organize. We could use the help of your security teams since we’re on an expansion freeze.”

“I’ll let Kyle and his teams know to be ready and take your orders for as long as you need them,” I accepted.

We were off the elevator by then, and I let Elijah lead the way to his super huge conference room. It was more like a lecture hall, but it worked out well to have one just for updating people and getting the parts of corporate on the right page a lot of times. Especially with training that legal had now and again.

“So what is the extra trouble that brings five very busy men into this?” I asked Gavin. “The guy is connected? Someone’s friend? Don’t be shy, and just tell us so we can get back to our lives.”

“Such a fucking brat,” Joshua chuckled, the tension in his shoulders relaxing some.

Gavin glanced with the others and let out a slow breath. “He’s connected but not with any of the council. He’s actually older than O’Malley and should have been offered a junior seat. We can’t ever catch him red-handed in anything, but he doesn’t directly challenge us in anything either.”

“We think this will be the chance he takes to change that,” a different vampire said.

“Got it. So you can’t be the problem here nor the bad guys,” I muttered, studying Gavin and his desires.

He wanted this guy gone though. Like dead. The coven leader was bad for vampires and the council and was too good at stoking unrest while Gavin liked order and people staying in their lanes.

“I’m not offering to be your assassin—we won’t ever work for you like that—but if I get the chance, make one thing clear to me.”

“You won’t step on our toes,” he promised, clearly understanding what I’d gotten from him. “No one on the council even.”

I nodded. “Impress me then.”

He didn’t play coy, telling me how they had reviewed the footage we’d given them and aides hadn’t just lost their jobs but their standing and one had lost their head. They’d made it clear to the other aides, their families, and even a lot of friends that we were powerful allies they were smart to get in with early, not anyone they could ever leash.

I exchanged a glance with the other demons and was glad we were all on the same page and were happy with the win. “Okay, then if I get the excuse and valid reason, I’ll take it even if it causes trouble.”

“Why?” Gavin asked, the rest of the question implied.