“What about the rest of your family? I can’t tell if you’re close with your brothers.”

“We used to be. We’ve drifted apart over the years. I keep in touch with Erick the most, Jayson a little bit, and Adler only for business purposes. And I talk to my mother on the phone once per week.”

“Really? I didn’t know that. You don’t strike me as the type to call your mom.”

“There’s a lot about me you don’t know.”

“Apparently.” She takes another drink and I watch her lips, unable to help myself. What would it be like, pressing those lips to mine? Not in some Vegas wedding chapel, but in my own room? What would it be like to feel her body pressed against mine, to listen to her panting breaths, her gasping moans?

I shove those feelings away. I have to bury them, burn them, make sure they never return. Isabel’s my fake wife—nothing more. We’ll flirt, banter, whatever, but it won’t go beyond that.

I’ll do whatever I can to make this stupid ruse work, and when it’s done we can move on with our lives.

For her own sake.

Even if I’m suffering through it all.

We talk about work for the rest of the meal. I keep it light and try not to bicker with her too much. On the way out, I stop by a table with a few casual acquaintances I know from the party scene, introduce my wife, then lead her toward the front. I stop to greet another guy, a lawyer I’ve seen around town. When that’s over, Isabel slips her hand through mine and leans her head against my shoulder. “Don’t get any ideas,” she mutters. “But I think one of those detective guys is out front. No, don’t look.”

I lead her through the door, but pull her off to the side, turning to face her. My heart’s racing. This isn’t real and it doesn’t matter. I have to play my part. She seems surprised when I hug her tight against me.

“We’re acting, right?” I whisper, lips kissing her cheek. “Pretending?”

“Fake,” she whispers back.

I kiss the corner of her mouth. “If it’s not real, why do you seem as if you really like this?”

Then I press my lips to hers. Gently at first, then with a passion that surprises me. She melts into my kiss and my tongue invades her lips, lapping her up, tasting her, drinking her, basking in her. My wife, my delicious, incredible wife. She releases a gentle whimper into my mouth and fuck, I could lose my mind over this kiss, over the way her body moves against mine, over her breasts moving up and down with her rapid breath, over the way my heart’s going wild.

But we break apart. When I look to the left, I spot him standing nearby, not trying to hide. I try to feign surprise as Isabel visibly gathers herself.

She liked that kiss as much as I did.

“Mr. Costa.” It’s the older man from outside my house. He doesn’t extend a hand. “I’m sure you remember me.”

“You’re that asshole taking pictures,” I say, facing him. “Come to apologize?”

“I’m only here on official business. You know it’s nothing personal, right? I’m just doing my job.”

“Interesting. If my job was to, I don’t know, strangle you then dispose of your body in the ocean, would you take that personal?”

His mouth twitches. “All I want is to ask a question. Are you and Isabel Flax married?”

“Yes,” I say, taking Isabel’s hand in mine. “Whatever you think you saw at my place the other day, you’re wrong.”

“Right. And when did you and Ms. Flax get married?”

“Mrs. Costa,” Isabel corrects. “And it was a few weeks ago.”

The detective’s lips press into a line. “Right. I see. Thank you for your time.”

“That’s all?” I ask. “Are you going back to your little political donors to give them the bad news?”

“I’m going to follow the truth. That’s all I get paid to do.” He walks off, hurrying away.

“Prick,” I murmur.

“Come on.” Isabel walks off toward where the driver’s waiting. “That went well.”

“A little too well.” I catch up, putting my hand on her ass. “You liked that kiss, didn’t you?”

She swats my hand away. “Watch it.”

“Come on. My wife would let me squeeze her nice, supple ass whenever I wanted.”

“Not this wife. Not in public.”

“In private? I’ll ask the driver to circle the block.”

“Once we’re in private, I’m not your wife anymore.” She turns, puts both hands on my chest, and stands on her toes to kiss my lips softly. “Isn’t that such a shame? You don’t get to feel my nice, perky little ass.”

Then she ducks into the car.

I could fucking burst out laughing.

The little goddamn tease.

Except my cock is rock hard, and I’m starting to wonder if I’m being delusional.

If there’s really any way I can keep distance between us.