“I came to check up on you.”

“I’m not interested in talking if you’re only here because of him.”

“I’m here because of you. Come on, let me in. I’ll make you coffee.”

She grunts, annoyed, but reluctantly lets me inside.

The place is clean. I expected a mess, but she didn’t ruin it this time. I find the hotel coffee maker, pop in a pod, and set up a mug. Allison lounges on the couch, a pair of fuzzy slippers on her feet, a big, snuggly blanket pulled to her chin.

“I know things got heated yesterday, but I think now that you both had some time to calm down, you can come to some agreement. Cream and sugar?”

“Both,” she says. “And I don’t want to agree to anything. I’m done with this place.”

I dump in creamer and two sugars, stir it up, and carry it over. She accepts and sips without a thanks.

I sit down by her feet. “I get it. If I were you, I’d feel pissed too. But you’re still here for a reason.”

She looks away. “I just don’t have anywhere else to be right now, but I can change that whenever I want.”

“I don’t doubt it. I think it’s more than that though. You like working here, don’t you? You liked throwing that luau.”

“I guess.” Another long sip. “It’s okay.”

“I almost hate to say this because I’m pretty sure I’m only going to inflate your already obscene ego, but you’re good at it. You go a little over the top, but if you let people keep you in line—” I gesture vaguely. “You could make a serious living throwing parties. Which I’m aware sounds crazy.”

She smiles for only a second before her sour expression returns. “Doesn’t matter if I’m good at it. He’s not going to let me anymore.”

“Don’t worry about Conlan. I can handle him. Will you give it another shot?”

“I need some freedom. If I want to go pick up a freaking prescription, I’m gonna do it, and I don’t want it to cause World War III.”

“We’ll work on that.”

“Fine.” Another long sip. “I’ll give it another shot.” Another long sip, and this time, a smile. “What makes you able to handle Conlan? I thought you were his assistant.”

“We, uh—” I clear my throat. “The nature of our relationship changed.”

“Right, you’re fake married.” Her eyebrows raise. “Or are you real married now? The line is pretty thin.”

“I don’t know what we are, but I’m not his assistant, and I don’t think we’re fake, exactly.”

“Complicated.” She perks up. “He really likes you, huh? Must be weird talking to me about it.”

I grimace. I’d almost forgotten she slept with him. “Yes, thanks for the reminder.”

“It’s fine, you know? I don’t like him and he doesn’t like me. We made a stupid drunken mistake. I lied to him and basically forced myself into his bed, so you can’t really blame him for it, right?”

“I can find a way to blame him anyway.”

“But you shouldn’t. Conlan’s a huge pain in my ass, but he’s not the worst guy in the world.”

“That’s high praise coming from you.”

“Don’t get used to it. I still think he’s a prick.” She rolls her eyes at me, grinning. “Think he was serious about locking me in the basement?”

“Probably. One of his thugs is lurking in the hall outside your door right now. I talked him into cooling it a little.”

“He must really like you.”

I glance at the windows. “Seems that way.”

“Good. I’m glad. I’ve met a lot of people in my short, stupid life, but you’re one of the cooler ones.”

“Thanks. You’re not so bad either, you know.”

“Well, don’t get used to me.” She gets to her feet, humming as she straightens. “I called Daddy last night and he said that he spoke with Conlan a few days ago. Seems that everything’s blowing over, and I’m out of here soon anyway. If I stick it out, I can go home.”

My eyebrows knit together. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Yeah, Daddy said everything’s fine with that PAC and those detectives. You haven’t seen them around in a while, right?”

“That’s true, I actually haven’t.” A strange pit opens up in my stomach. “Conlan knew?”

“Sure, for a few days. He didn’t tell you? You guys can probably drop this whole marriage charade whenever you want, really. Daddy wouldn’t mind. I mean, I appreciate the commitment, but it’s basically been done for a while now. And if I’m good, Daddy says I can come back home.”

My ears start ringing. I barely hear Allison as she starts talking about her friends out in New York, how much she misses the city, how much she wishes she were back there right now, and how she can gut it out for a few more days if it means getting out of here.

But I can’t process.

I keep thinking about what she said.