Only I hoped that he’d begun to grow up a little bit.

I thought we were getting to a better place.

I can feel that next level, like it’s barely out of reach. And if I could only find a way past his armor, we could make this thing work.

He clears his throat and stares into my eyes.

“Isabel, you’re fired.”

I don’t move. My eyebrows raise. He tilts his head, studying my reaction, and I feel my whole body flush. Confusion drills into my guts.

“I’m… fired? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“From here on out, you are no longer my assistant.”

“Excuse me? You can’t just—”

He moves away from the refrigerator and comes toward me. “We both know it can’t work like that anymore. You said it yourself. You know as well as I do.”

I open my mouth to tell him off, but he’s right. There’s a reason I started looking for my own replacement.

I can’t be his assistant, not anymore.

We pretended like it would be fine for a while, at least until I found someone else to take over, but that’s clearly not the case anymore.

We’ve moved way beyond that old relationship, and if we don’t find a way to define what we are now, it’ll fizzle out.

“It’s funny,” I say, trying not to smile. “I was just about to quit.”

His lips quirk. “Were you? It’s better this way. Now you can file for unemployment.”

“Think I’ll need it? My husband’s rich.”

“True, but he can also be an asshole sometimes.”

“So I hear.”

“Listen, I’m not going to apologize for earlier, but I will say this. I won’t treat you like that anymore. Your opinion matters to me more than anyone else, and even if I disagree, I will try to find ways to be respectful about it.”

I let out a sharp breath. “I’m asleep, right? This must be some crazy new dream because you’re saying exactly what you should be saying.”

“Very funny.”

“Actually, no, this is definitely reality, since you refuse to actually apologize.”

“Allison is a problem,” he says, his voice soft. “I understand that she gets under my skin and you think that means my judgment is compromised, but it’s about more than that. She’s never stayed in one place for long. The girl’s a drifter, and if we give her too much space then she’ll run off sooner or later. I’m only doing what I think is best.”

I nod, smoothing out my hair, a nervous, thoughtful gesture. “I get what you’re saying, I really do, but I just think she needs purpose and structure. I think she’ll want to stay if we can give her those.”

“And I don’t trust her.”

“Where does this leave us?”

“Well, you’re out of a job. Other than that, I don’t know.” He comes toward me. “I want you to tell me what you think. I want to be able to handle it when I don’t like what you have to say. I’m aware that I need to work on that.”

“Okay, that’s a good start.”

“I can’t promise I’ll always do what you want, but I can promise that I will respect your wishes and I will take your counsel to heart. Over the years, you’ve been my most reliable employee, and it’s about time that I started treating you that way.”

I lean up against the back of the couch as he continues toward me. “Are we communicating right now? Are we discussing problems like grown adults?”

“It seems that way, yes.”

“This is amazing. I wasn’t sure we were capable of, you know, just talking to each other.”

“Do you like it?” He puts his hands on my hips.

“Why, yes, I think I do. Who knew that being grown-ass adults and not freaking out about every little thing could be so liberating?”

“I could get used to it.” He kisses my neck. “When it comes to you, my little wife, there will always be the benefit of the doubt.”

“What a prince, saying all the right things.”

He chuckles and his lips press to mine. I melt against him as all the tension of the day flows away.

I didn’t like the way things shook out earlier. He was too stubborn and controlling, and I didn’t feel like I stood up for myself enough.

But this feels so much better. He’s acknowledging that he’s imperfect, and he’s promising to work on it.

I have my own issues to deal with. I can be closed off and stubborn too. I have to work on that as well, and I’d be happy to tell him all about it—

Except his kiss deepens, and there’s not much else I can do except let him drag me onto the couch, let him undress me, let his fingers slide between my legs.

“Is this make-up sex right now?” I whisper as I straddle him, both of us naked, my back arched as his lips suck on my nipples. “I have to admit, I kind of like it.”